Tesla's Free Energy - Part 3

in #science8 years ago

Combining what we have so far an interesting picture emerges.

In part 2 we have read how water can be precipitated from the air by using an electric impulse and also how he mistakenly (?) said precipitation of energy instead of water. Diagram b (above) is from Tesla's article "the Problem of Increasing Human Energy", published in Century Illustrated Magazine of June 1900. There Tesla explains how a cold sink can be used to attract heat and if that heat could be transformed into another sort of energy, then the cold sink would remain cold, and thus continue to attract heat which is converted and extracted, creating an almost infinite supply of energy.
It is but a small step to replace water with electricity in the 4 stories quoted in part 2, which brings that story in line with this cold sink idea.

In the Key to Tesla's Secrets I showed how Tesla believed that electricity is caused by a gaseous medium that is present everywhere (but not in equal densities) and that we generally overlook the role that the temperature of this medium plays. In a high voltage discharge cooling of this medium takes place. This attracts heat from the surroundings which is converted into an electrical voltage and consequently into an electric current, increasing the current in the discharge and/or extending it as we see in lightning, and... leaving it cold.
As we have seen in part 1 this heat is supplied and replenished by the Sun.
Thus the whole story becomes very real and tangible, very unlike most free zero point quantum foam counter spacial energy concoctions that you'll find so many of all over the internet.

Tesla's Theory or Mine?
It has been my work to read and re-read all of Tesla's work that I could get my hands on, and reproduce many of his experiments. It has been very interesting as you can read it many times, collecting the pieces of the puzzle as it were, but the pieces will only fall into place once you repeat Tesla's experiments and see with your own eyes what he must have seen.
For example, everybody knows the story of how Tesla set fire to the generators of the Colorado Springs electricity company, and many speculate about the causes. My experiments showed a dangerous increase in the voltage of my generator in some of the experiments, and now I understand why that happens. Also now I see that the changes Tesla made to the circuit prevent that from reoccurring.
As I told in my introduction I found that you have to read and interpret Tesla's work in a certain way which I have called the Tesla Code. I have written an extensive document describing that code which in my opinion proves beyond a shadow of doubt that what I have told here is indeed what Tesla envisioned. If you are interested this document can be downloaded here (it is about 15MB).

The Magnifying Transmitter
A brief introduction into Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter can be viewed on my YouTube channel, here. This is an instrument that incorporates this principle of extracting atmospheric electricity and distributing it wirelessly across the globe. If there is sufficient demand I may do a post on that as well.

The Death Ray
Understanding the principles explained here, it is very easy to understand how Tesla envisioned the workings of this device. BTW. I think it should be noted that Tesla called it the Peace Ray, but the media thought up this more 'catchy' name.

For now I will leave it here and I hope you have enjoyed reading about this new and clean source of energy.


I showed how Tesla believed that electricity is caused by a gaseous medium that is present everywhere (but not in equal densities) and that we generally overlook the role that the temperature of this medium plays.

I'd love to see someone match this up with Maxwell et al.'s theory of electricity, what I'll call the "mainstream." I'm an electrical engineer by training and profession, and I've never experienced electricity do something that couldn't be explained by mainstream theories of electricity. I've never tried to see electricity through a lens of the "gaseous medium," so maybe there's a way to tell the story along those lines that ends up making sense that just never occurred to me.

Carry on, I'll be curious to see what you've got.

Great to hear from another professional (other than the one in our team).
That is being worked on. A few years ago we set up Ethergy Co. Ltd. first and foremost to get some additional funds for my Tesla research. Shortly thereafter Koen van Vlaenderen joined us, and he has been working on Maxwell's theory for many years. You can download his latest paper here. It does not view electricity as a gaseous medium, (yet) but it corrects an error in these theories and expands on the consequences of this correction.
I have done a number of experiments that may not be so easy to explain with mainstream theories, I may post some of that later. But really, there are many hard-to-explain phenomena. Look for example into the details of lightning. Where does all that charge come from? How can a thunder cloud recover to its pre-strike condition within only 5 seconds? How can a discharge of only a few MV be hundreds of kilometres long? (the longest recorded strike is well over 400 Km) How can the plasma channel created by the stepped leader be 10 m in diameter (think of the pinch effect...). What causes the steps of a stepped leader?
Lightning is so common that one would assume we know all about it. But dive into the details and see how little we really know.
As I have shown in these article, it is thinking about lightning that resulted in this idea of Tesla.
Thanks for your comment, I hope to post something to satisfy your curiosity in the (near) future. ;)

I look forward to seeing more info on this site as soon as it comes up, thanks for this quick note and information. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Greetings, @mage00000, I'm very happy to "meet" you here today and to have discovered your presence on Steemit! I wish you the best here.

I have just read all you've posted thus far (though I am still pursuing the links) and I very much look forward to whatever you wish to share with us in the future. Thank you for your presentations thus far! :)😄😇😄


I enthusiastically agree @creatr! More, more MORE!

Thanks for your kind words. :) You've been quite active here, so I can not so easily return the favour of reading all your posts :( ... but I like your table of contents idea! Very nice work!

Thank you, my new friend @mage00000! Yah, I've been perhaps too busy here... ;) And I have much more to say. However, my hope is that my friends will use that Table of Contents (thanks for the compliment!) to selectively read a few of my posts that capture their interest. If you should spot anything interesting there, I'm always delighted to interact! Thanks for looking!


Outstanding work @mage00000! Have now followed, upvoted and resteemed your post. I'm thrilled to have found you and I am a huge Tesla fan and supporter. Just think where we could be today, if he wasn't censored and targeted so badly. I Love that you are open sourcing what you know. Good job!

Thank you for your kind words! I have tried to get attention for this work through the mainstream media, but guess what? They won't publish. I may not be a good writer and I am not a native English speaker, but I know for certain that I have recovered Tesla's theories. How do I know? Well, when you are working on a jig saw puzzle how do you know that you are ready? All the pieces are used, all the pieces fit and the picture makes sense.
If you are such a huge Tesla fan, be sure to download the document I linked. You'll be thrilled. (again) ;)