
Gender certainly is one of those predispositions. Women can also be aggressive... oh believe me, I know one or two... but men have to prove their strength and hardness from school to job and in the streets. They want to lead the herd. And this is also encouraged by media and entertainment. That's the way it is... hope it won't be forever. Maybe evolution will to it's thing. :D

It is not gender. Gender is a social construct. I think that you meant sex.
Yes, both sexes have different hormonal physiology that is predetermined by genetics (it is mentioned in the article).
Intensity of aggressive behaviour is largely conditioned by the environment. Certain cultures are more aggressive than others (some not at all) due to many environmental factors such as value system, tradition, scarcity of resources, state of healthcare, economic class, psychologically unsustainable upbringing/childcare, etc.
Once you understand, root causes of aggressive behaviour within social environment, and how to eradicate them, you can design society that is almost completely void of aggressive behaviour (almost because there some genetically determined cognitive disorders that are random and not shaped by environment).

Gender and sex really have different meanings? Didn't know that... in German there is only the word "Geschlecht" which translates to gender and sex. Thank you for clarifying this! :)

Read somewhere girls become women after puberty. Men, have to prove we are men over and over again.. thought that was Interresting! There are studys n that..