Dogs Can Understand Both Words And Intonation of Human Speech - New Research Finds [NEWS IN SCIENCE]

in #science8 years ago (edited)

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The recent study found that dogs have the ability to process words and intonation of human speech in similar way as humans - they use the same regions in the brain as humans brain does.
It both matters how you say it and what you say.

Scientists from Hungary's Eötvös Loránd University scanned the dogs' brains in fMRI machine, while each was played the sound of their trainer's voice through headphones. Before the scans were performed 13 dogs had to be trained for few months to be able to lie without move inside an fMRI machine.
Four different types of combinations of words with intonations were used:

  • praising words (like "well done!") with high-pitched intonation (praise)
  • praising words with a neutral intonation
  • neutral words (like "however") with neutral intonation
  • neutral words with high-pitched praising intonation.

The researchers found that canines process speech in very similar way to humans. The vocabulary is being processed in their left hemisphere, while intonation is processed in auditory regions in the right hemisphere. It was also discovered that dogs feel rewarded only when specific combination of words and intonation indicate praise.

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It is important to note that recognition of the significance of specific words is a completely different subject. To be able to recognize if the word has derogatory or complimentary meaning, other hints are necessary, such as facial expressions and body language.

This study proves that ability for processing the meaning of speech is not just unique in humans. Humans are only unique in their capability of inventing words.

The study was published in peer-reviewed academic journal Science.

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Finally, we have got a scientific proof for all doubters :-)
It would be interesting to find out if cats have this capability too. I remember that my cat seemed to understand what I was saying to him. Sometimes I had impression that he even tried to mimic certain words :D


Science Magazine: "Neural mechanisms for lexical processing in dogs"

The Verge: "You can’t trick your dog by being mean in a happy voice"


When I was growing up, we had a poodle that had to be brushed with a wire brush occasionally, which she really didn't like. It got to the point that if someone said "brush" in a sentence, she would hunch down low to the floor and slink away to hide under a bed...
Regarding the cats versus dogs issue, I always noticed that our dogs were more responsive to words than our cats (except for their names and food), but it's always possible the cats just didn't give a damn...

Haha very adorable and smart dog :-)
You may be right about cats. They probably just don't care and ignore us unless they have some incentive for responding :-) That's probably why they seem to solely react to words directly related to food or themselves.

Oh and thanks so much for upvote! I (-:
I just realized and was completely WOW-ed :D

I think it is cats mostly don't give a damn. My two will sometimes respond to what I say to them and other times will just look at me like, so what. The one exception is my tom cat who, from the time he was a kitten, would decide to start nipping at me. I would respond with a very firm "Don't bite mom", he would then switch to licking me. He's 8 years old and that is still the routine. And yes, they do love their routine.

Yeah, cats just don't care :-)
Btw, Check my new article about study on cats:

Zoee can spell, which is very annoying. It started with asking someone else when they last took her "out". She'd hear the word and immediately want to go out again even if she'd just come in 10 minutes before. So.. we started spelling. Wasn't about a week later she figured out what o-u-t meant.

She knows the spelling of walk, treat, bath, out, outside, food, and dinner.

It seems that now you may need to invent a new code words, each week, as replacement for these words and ask everyone to remember :-D She is just too smart for all of you :-)

This explains it .. now I know who stole the weed!

Hahahaha :)

Very interesting article, Milo definitely can recognise my tone of voice!!!

We have known if for long. Finally we have a scientific proof :-D

Woah, I wonder what their vocabularies can grow to.

I wonder what they think when they hear the different ways we say fuck: FUCK! Fuck? Fuck?! Fuuuuuck...

They ignore it as they probably don't give an actual fuck like we do :-)

Due to the nature of the study, they only used smart dogs. My dog doesn't know anything.

Haha, come one. I'm sure he is vey smart in his own way! Maybe he pretends not to be. That is smart ;-) Give him a bit of credit :-)

Well, she answers to any name I call her so that's why I think she can't understand haha. And she doesn't react at all when my bird talks to her.

Haha ok :-)

My dog can tell the time :-) She was bothering me for a ball game one day while I was at my desk...I told her to go away and come back at 4pm.
Some time later she was pawing at me again...I looked up and sure enough it was 4pm :-) Having said that my dog is more clever than any human I know :-)

Wow, this is very clever. She seems like a erudite of canines :-)
Considering that so many humans are constantly late and inconsiderate, she definitely intellectualy beats majority of them, if not all of us :-)

My dog hides under the table whenever my mom screams and curses because the house is dirty.

Awww, well then you have an incentive to clean, if you don't want to stress your dog! :-)

This is true. When my best friend asks for any toy I know it by name. He says get the green ball and I get the green ball. He says get sheepy and I get my sheepy. I have over 10 toys I know all by name and I love them.

Haha, you are erudite pooch :-)

I had to look erudite up. Good thing for google. :) I love google. It was so erudite of me to look it up at least. I learn fast. Especially if treats are involved and the more time I spend on steemit means more treats.