I am not sure to follow.
Free energy contradicts energy conservation which is something that is known to hold for hundreds of years. It is based on Poincare symmetry, or that laws of Nature do not depend on "when" and "where" you test them. In order to produce energy, you then need to inject something else to satisfy energy conservation (you convert one form of energy to another one). Therefore it has a cost and it is not free.
Moreover, I do not see how gravity can play a role. Gravitational interactions are only non negligible for very massive objects like planets, stars or galaxies.
the gravitational part is what became the key to this technology, by understanding that you can create a gravitational field and that the magnetical and gravitational fields interact with each other to create plasma. this is how the universe was created, plasma is infinite and understanding how to tap into plasma is where the free energy comes from. there are no costs because the generator operates in a solid state and nothing needs to be burnt or rotated to create electron vibration, by creating a demand for energy the system which is GANS (gas as nano state) coated will supply the energy, it is also nano coated copper so there is no resistance in the wire creating a free flow of energy.
This is what sounds wrong to me. Gravity will never play any role at the human level.
In addition, you need energy to create a plasma and actually even more energy to make it stable enough to extract energy from it.
Sorry for being sceptical, but the whole idea sounds not working to me.
its always a good thing that your sceptical, gravity plays a role in the creation of everything and is the key to plasma technology, in current science we do not know how to control or create it that is why we have no use for it, but using GANS of different elements we are able to manipulate it as each element has a different strength in magnetical and gravitational strength e.g. copper would be more magnetical and gold would be more gravitational and if you change them to GANS state they will try to balance each other, creating a plasmatic flow between each other. by taping into the flow between these fields you can extract the energy that is being transmitted and use it the way you want it. so they will always try to feed each other but the energy is being harvested by you so they never reach balance point. i will do an article soon on GANS and nano state and how to create it and use it.