Only scientific facts on the influence of name on a person's life

in #science8 years ago (edited)

In the Internet you can find an infinite number of beliefs and superstitions on the subject of the impact of the name on the destiny and character of a person. For example, it is believed that all of Alexandra have a vivid imagination and tend not to commit and Elizabeth are more likely to suffer from thyroid diseases.

Do not undertake to say whether the name really predict future ailments, but human life is certainly affected — it was proved by American scientists.

Researchers from the University of new York found that people with short and simple names to live much easier. It turned out, the man whose name is easy to pronounce, is the source of a subconscious sympathy. As a result, people with a more simple and common names easier to find a job, build relationships and communicate with strangers in General. Tellingly, in the West, the most popular are traditional European names. So people of a different race or nationality in Western countries are more likely to get a job and to get by in life if their names are European: for example, Sarah or Thomas.

A group of experts from Shippenburg University in Pennsylvania showed a trend that people with rare names more likely to break the law from a very young age. In addition, scholars argue that the owners of strange and complex names are often hard to make friends, suffer from loneliness and become antisocial.

Meanwhile, scientists from the University of Michigan analyzed over three million death certificates of African Americans in the United States and found that people with ancient and biblical names — Abraham, Moses, Ilia, for example, lived much longer than those who have had strange and unusual names, and also held higher positions. Like their counterparts of Shippenburg of Michigan scientists concluded that people with non-traditional names are more often discriminated against among friends, and this is reflected in their future success in life.

In this regard, considerable importance is whether the child his name, the researchers note. In their opinion, if a kid is impressed by the fact, as it is called, in the future he will be more confident, relaxed and successful. If a child because of its name, complex, becomes the object of ridicule, and it will grow downtrodden and sullen.

Of considerable importance also is "noble" the name of the person. A group of German scientists came to the conclusion that the people with the last name Kaiser that is transported as "Emperor" or König "king", often get promotions than Koch ("cook") or Bauer ("farmer").

Well, despite the attempts of feminists to prove the absolute equality of men and women, researchers have shown that ladies with "masculine" names have great chances for career growth, and the gentlemen with the names of "feminine" work and study, and also inclined to commit evil deeds.


Could the fact that stupid people often name their children stupid names be part of the reason individuals with unique names die younger and go to jail more?

My cousins named Gaylen. I wonder how that affects his psychological health.

I agree with you that will not:) But it's important for some exoteric people...Auto-suggestion is a great power :)

It is difficult to say in each case, but the point is that there are certain psychological factors that influence the behavioral model of person, as well as the perception of the person other people.

Bullshit. How do I downvote in this thing?

Don't worry so much, go in peace.

if you don't agree with author point it's not mean that you must down vote this post.

Interesting studies