
All images are my own

Lucky you, this means you have been there :D

Yes, yes it does! I have a couple more articles I'll be doing on it. Absolutely fascinating place for a variety of reasons.

Over 100 miles of flat earth, but we live on a ball? I dont think so friend.

LOL. You just joined Steemit to make ridiculous flat earth comments I see. How pathetic.

And you obviously know absolutely zero about Uyuni or the world you live on. My next post, the companion piece to this, is going to be about the island that is missing in the middle of Uyuni that you never see in all those images of 100 miles of 'flatness' ... because it's behind the curvature.

Hell, you can even see in the images I've shown that the bottoms of the mountains in the background are cut off at the bottom. You call it flat and ignore the proof of the curvature in the post itself! How typical of flat earth confirmation bias.

It's pretty hilarious that flat earthers are all about "you can't know anything unless you've personally experienced it" but none of you have been to Uyuni, yet you're all experts on it because you 'seen it on the YoooTooob" .

Well, I have been there! It's provably not flat. But nice try pretending you're an expert on something you know absolutely zero about. Scientific denialism is just stupidity, not ignorance or knowledge. You're just another cult parrot who wants to pretend he's more intelligent than the rest of the world because you watched a video and now say , "Nope, you're wrong" without having the slightest idea what you are talking about! The ignorance and cult mentality involved in flat earthism is astounding.

Never knew this! Awesome to see something great helping out the world in such a small space of the planet!

very good post friends. best regards to my friend. Glad to follow you, thank you for sharing

Oh great! Now you've made me add another stop on my bucket list.
But seriously, thank you for the post. Very enlightening. Kind of eerie knowing your over a body of water, but that's the fun of it.

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Nice post. Thanks if you want to visit back my blog.

The Uyuni salt flats are also where the scenes on the planet Crait from The Last Jedi were filmed.