in #science7 years ago



For quite some time now, the world has witnessed series of health challenges plaguing the health sector. These challenges can be in the form of polio, HIV, cholera, etc. Of all these; none of them cuts across other health related cases as Non Adherence to medication does.

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A medic


This is the intake of drugs in line with the prescriptions of a medic. This implies not missing out on the periodic intake of drugs and also ensure the continued intake till the time allotted for a stop in consumption comes.


A great number of us are guilty of Non Adherence; an attitude that has constituted health risks, economic sabotage and a global trend that must be discouraged at all cost. We may not see the relevance of this; but the World Health Organization, (WHO) does.

“Increasing the effectiveness of adherence interventions may have a far greater impact on the health of the population than any improvement in specific medical treatments.”
World Health Organization (WHO)

According to statistics made available from the WHO;

  • Only 50% of people in developed countries takes their medications properly
  • 50% of the visits to a doctor, 40% of long term hospital admissions and over 50% of hospital readmission cases
    results from drug non adherence
  • The cost implication of treating a Non adherent patient is estimated to be twice that of an adherent patient; leading
    to an added cost of over $2000 per patient annually.
  • On the average, Non adherence is said to command an extra healthcare cost of about $700 billion

Despite the challenges and 30 years after the the initiation of a need for solutions; no one has come up with a clue. That trend is about to change with Curaizon coming up with smart innovations that can bring Non Adherence under control.


Curaizon was Incorporated in 2015 and headquartered in the United Kingdom. With a team led by Nicholas James Rumble (CEO); Curaizon has started proving her mettle in revolutionizing healthcare technology, utilizing the approach in reducing Non adherence to medication.

The approach involves an ecosystem that constitutes of CuraServe, CuraView, and CuraData, as the components. These components are complimentary in reducing the unhealthy effect of Non Adherence and were illustrated below with a brief highlights of their respective functions.

The Curaizon Ecosystem.png



This platform interacts and engages patients, healthcare providers, and Curaizon electronically in bringing drug Non Adherence to the barest minimum.

Each of these actors bears a customized dash board through which they interacts with the system to ensure drug adherence; generating and optimizing patients’ data in the process for valuable future insights. The dashboards were as illustrated below:

patients dashboard.png

Patients’ dashboard

Patients are signed up on the Curaizon services on visiting their healthcare providers. The sign ups can be either web or mobile app based. On signing up; the patient gets an alert, welcoming him/her on board the platform and the interaction continues on wards.

The system contains a display of other peers on the platform, with whom the patient can use as a benchmark to mark his/her progress. The platform also comes with a built in alarm; reminding patients when it's time to take their drugs. The platform was also designed to engage and captivate patients; challenging them to Adhere to medications for a chance to win token donations to the charity.

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Healthcare providers

The healthcare providers will be able to view the progress of their patients and be able to identify those prone to health risks and needing urgent attention. This puts them in control; while winning them some level of credibility when it comes to after care treatments. They are also able to get some optimized approach guide from the system.

Curaizon dashboard.png


This generates series of patient’s data from the CuraServe; processing them into powerful series of information that identifies disparities across patients and giving optimal insights into other areas of concern that may arise within the system and the network of doctors. It also goes a step further in proffering solutions that health providers may hardly envisage.


With the above processes; data are collated, optimized and made available to the CuraData with the patient’s identity anonymised. A bulk of these data comes with numerous utility and research values for pharmaceutical companies, academics, researchers, non-profits, etc. who will be able to access them using the CuraToken (the basic cryptocurrency for transacting in the Curaizon ecosystem); purchased from destined exchanges. Curaizon hopes to collaborate with these stakeholders to ensure a continually robust, powerful and better valued data source in healthcare.


This is the official cryptocurrency to Curaizon; with which companies, academics, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies; can gain access to generated data in the Curaizon ecosystem.


  • Saves lives by improving the turnaround time in treating patients
  • Reduced hospitalizations and readmissions through proactive health management alerts
  • strategic urgency in treatment through health risk stratifications of patients
  • Reduction in health related vulnerabilities and the accompanying waste of Healthcare funds through an improved
    Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
  • Improved and better health based research through the availability of better health data


For a smooth execution of the project; Curaizon has attained an unimaginable landmark. The project is already in use and only needing some finesse touches to enable it go public The roadmap below displays the timeline of the achievements so far and the achievements yet to be attained.

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The Roadmap

According to the roadmap, the project will be up and running in the first quarter of next year!


For those who're into Crypto investments; such timeline portends an opportunity for the price value of a token to go on a bull run in the shortest interval, making it a choice investment destination for core investors.

With the display of what remains to be achieved on the Roadmap and the accompanying cost; the management has approached the crypto community in a bid to raise $25 million USD from the sale of 50% of her CuraToken (CTKN) generated. Curatoken is the official Curaizon token with which stakeholders in the health sectors and other entities can access the generated and optimized data on the CuraData platform.

I expect a flock of investors scrambling for this rare opportunity, with a minimum investment of $500; allowed.

While I encourage you to take an active part in this ICO; I'll also encourage you to hold on for a discussion of the business model, Token Generation Events, The team and personalized guides that will help us in making better informed decisions in my next article.

Kindly consult the reference section below, for more details.



Website https://curatoken.curaizon.com/ Whitepaper https://curatoken.curaizon.com/wp-content/themes/curatoken/White_paper.pdf Litepaper https://curatoken.curaizon.com/wp-content/themes/curatoken/Lite_paper.pdf Facebook https://web.facebook.com/curaizonltd?_rdc=1&_rdr Twitter https://twitter.com/curaizon Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjNZcxOvYCQSyyXXYPRrbRQ LinkedIN https://www.linkedin.com/company/curaizon-ltd Telegram Channel https://t.me/joinchat/ILiK_Q7VBLOByz_7mMUgsQ Bitcointalk ANN https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4401662.0


good article

Thanks so much buddy,
Can you check out my poem?

How do you see it ... lol

First health related project am seeing on this timeline.
Would have loved taking a look at the team, as i expect to see the medical influence in it all...lol

Nice script.

i did make it known in the script that the team will come up with my next article.
Just take a second glance and you'll see it.

Thanks for checking by

Oh my .....
Just saw it dear, hope the next article comes up in a jiffy?

Will do my best, but the whitepaper has all the details you may be needing now

Alright dear, Thanks once again!

This looks more detailed than most articles i've seen on this platform.
Nice one dude.
Curaizon seems like a conservative organisation, hope they get liberal to aid investors goals

The goal of every business is to make profits and as well ensure that investors interests were duly protected. So; it has to be a win win situation.
For your question; i'll suggest you interact with the organisation in respect to your fears.

No doubt this will bring so much improvement in health care industry

Exactly my point. The proactive dimension to medicine will be an interesting one.
Nice observation

well written @karlblaise, from all indications and having gone through the wp, the project seem to have lots of prospects

thanks bro, i appreciate your checking in

well written @karlblaise, from all indications and having gone through the wp, the project seem to have lots of prospects