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RE: Cosmic Rays and Infinity

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Really good article, everything is the same, relative and simple. It simplifies/explains many of modern science "mysteries". One such, which I think could be a good example for this article, is"black hole winds". Can this "mysterious" phenomenon be interpreted as black hole emitions which are much heavier than... light (even x-rays and gamma rays) so that we observe them as hot gas winds? Or could they be some sort of their "magnetic field" or something equivalent to solar wind? Here are some links (with some weird explainations):


Hi Jim, thanks a lot! :D

In terms of black hole winds, its hard to say what precisely it would be without finding more particular information on its mechanics. I would say that it could definitely be the "radiation" of "black holes", seen as "hot gas winds" due to its detectable mass, but whether it is would depend on how consistent and uniform it is. If it basically is emitted from the entire body and relatively consistently, then it would likely be its "radiation". Or, if it is more sporadic, random and directional, it could be more like a black hole's "solar flare" equivalent, which most certainly would also occur and be something to consider in all black hole emission observations.

If it is part of the electromagnetic field would depend on if there is a Figure-8 orbit formed or if the particles were able to travel indefinitely away like light from a star. My guess is black holes at the center of galaxies still are relatively low in mass and their electromagnetic field is formed of particles that we still label as "light" (like the Fermi X-ray bubbles you mentioned before, and the microwave haze), but that is a complete guess; maybe "atoms" are components of electromagnetic fields of larger mass bodies that "soon", it's definitely possible. On a large enough scale, any system will be part of a larger system's electromagnetic field. The particulars of which bodies use which particles are a bit harder to say without more observational consideration, on observations that may or may not already have been made.

Even entire galaxies--all the galaxies that we see--are all part of one object's electromagnetic field. This concept I find particularly interesting, as everything that we see in the observable universe would be the smallest fraction of one loop of its electromagnetic field moving together. It appears we are observationally aware of this flow in what is known as "dark flow". Perhaps our Milky Way galaxy is one particle in the electromagnetic field of the Great Attractor, which would give credence to the concept that galactic center black holes are large enough to use atoms as part of their electromagnetic field rather than to emit them as radiation that escapes their gravity.

Thank you for your response. Indeed there is a big gap, in terms of mass, between radiation and atoms to interpret gas winds as "radiation", even for a black hole. Probably, as the term suggests, it is something equivalent to solar wind.
As for your comment on out galaxy as being just a particle of greater scale system, for sure I suppose that even a galaxy will either move in a circular orbit around a bigger object or in a figure-8 orbit towards an even more massive object. As we observe nearby galaxies tend towards a point, then a figure-8 orbit towards the Great Attractor is more likely. Or we could be the "atoms" of another massive object.

Two more questions a bit irrelevant to the current article if you can answer them here or in a later article:

  • If I am not mistaken, neutrinos are heavier particles than photons. If this is true, then why neutrinos pass through the earth, but photons don't and most of them are actually reflected?

  • (That's a bigger one) About the relation of a bigger object and its smaller containing particles, like earth and atoms. We can view matter as a result of a dense area of smaller "invisible" particles, so this dense area is observed as a single object. For example, earth is a big dense area of atoms and we observe it as a single object relative to its "empty" surroundings. However, atoms, on a lower scale, are also tiny regular systems (like solar systems or galaxies). How could these small solar systems orbit inside and stay around the center of mass? What could be the motion-forces-relations of these inner systems? (Note: mainstream physics says that atoms move randomly inside, however we do not see many random orbits/motion in bigger scale systems)

Thanks in advance.
