
I'll drink to that...Sing with me

Always look on the bright side of life

I would be willing to bet you haven't done an ounce of research on the matter. You just believe whatever you are told and trust the government implicitly. Just remember condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance.

Define 'research' and tell me what 'research' you have done, I'd love to hear your thesis, honestly

Well, i know the method and calculation of how the Egyptian Greek Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth. I know how early navigators took the curvature of the earth into account while attempting to travel north. I know that a craft is able to circumnavigate the globe. I know that if you go far enough in any one direction you, in fact, will never hit a giant ice wall or an edge dropping into an abyss. I happen to know that when you fly high enough in an airplane the curvature of the earth becomes apparent. I happen to know that, you know, we've been into space and photographed the earth from every angle, and not a single on of those angles seems to how a disk. I happen to know that we've photographed tons and tons of other celestial bodies from planets to comets to asteroids to stars and none of them seem to be disk shaped.

I happen to know all of that.

But here is the real kicker with a good conspiracy, any evidence against the conspiracy is, itself, just part of the conspiracy.

So if you're going to rebut with "yeah, but all of that is just a cover up by The Man" then well, I guess you got me. I concede that it is possible, however unlikely, that the massive body of evidence that the earth is round has all been fabricated by all world government for the entirely of the last two centuries or so, for some reason, and the loads of evidence that would exist if the earth and other heavenly bodies were disks has all be covered up. I suppose I cannot deny that that is possible.

But there's really no arguing that is there?

FYI, Eratosthenes measurements work for both a flat earth and a globe, ships use plane sailing, east/west circumnavigation is possible on all models, north/south isn't, you can't see any curvature to at least 70mi up with X-15 footage, images of space are CGI - admitted by NASA, and because something is round doesn't mean everything is round, there is no curvature on the ground we inhabit. None of you research it, so you throw up straw man arguments that have been described, as if no one has thought of that before. Anyway, drive on.

Two century global conspiracy by every single government and every scientific organization on earth to fabricate tons of fake information, cover up tons of real information and brainwash everyone into thinking the earth is round because......

I dunno, the illuminate need people to think the earth is round so when the Reptite aliens invade as part of their eons long war with the Grey Aliens, it will be easier to encircle and trap the human resistance fighters.

Something like that I'm sure.

Learn the history of Alchemy, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and you will understand 'why'... If man is made to believe they came from apes and are an insignificant spec in the universe, things are easily manipulated. Personally, I don't know what the earth looks like, but I know the surface isn't curved at 8in/mi squared. The 'conspiracy' doesn't need to involve many people, and the people that seem to be the gate keepers of sorts are all part of these masonic groups. You do not advance unless you drink the kool aid. Are all the pilots and navigators and scientists 'in on it'? No, why would they need to be. I went through many years of school in 'science' and I didn't need to know. If a result disagrees, just apply some principle of 'gravity' and all is well. Gravity isn't proven, anywhere. Motion isn't proven, anywhere. Relativity was born as a way to explain lack of observable motion. There are no aliens, there is no space. There is a Biblical model, and it seems to be true. That's my belief. 'Science' is itself now a religion of faith, where the unobservable is fact. They theorize absurd notions because their equations have led them so deep into a nonsensical rabbit hole that matrix theory and multi-verse theory are now accepted as reality. All of it based on one single faulty premise...the motion of the earth. Quantum mechanics finds chaos as it delves deep, this is no mistake. Man is not meant to know all the inner workings of things, but how convenient is it to make the world appear so complex that 'common man' has no business trying to understand any of its underlying truths? That it's better left to elite groups and specialized knowledge. When anything doesn't compute, just thrown in, "Must be a gravitational effect." What a perfect force. It's powerful enough to hold all water to a ball spinning at 1000mph, yet delicate enough to allow balloons to float away. Why? Because it acts everywhere completely uniformly and gives the appearance of immobility. Things are moving, but they now appear still right? The sun and moon appear close, but they are incredible distances away. Time is changing, but it appears constant. Matter is in constant flux with velocity, but appears stable. What better control mechanism could there ever possibly be? It's a great delusion, and it was spoken of in 2nd Thessalonians 2:11. They have turned this world 'upside down.' Isaiah 29:16. You can decide for yourself, but I would encourage you to study Alchemy as a starter. You will realize 'science' is not atheistic at all. It is based in deception, and the reality is, very few need to actually know it. When they turn some supposed satellite around and show me some real time footage of planes taking off at all different angles around globe, they have something. But they don't, ever. You get CGI composites of earth, that are never sized correctly to the supposed curve or colored the same. You get Saturn Cubes placed on Saturn, and Pluto's face put on Pluto. You get masonic measurements of speed, tilt, and velocity, 'sex' written in photoshopped clouds, like a game. Astronaut movements on the ISS and on the Moon that are ridiculous. The more you know, the less you'll believe.

I wish I was a whale so I could give you like 25$ for this comment. You just gained a new follower @phase11

Appreciate it. No idea what it looks like, or the 'edge' or what's above it, or below, etc. but it's not curved and it doesn't move. Southern star trails work like a reflection on glass, just like Job 37:18 states. My 2c. I wonder if we were ever really supposed to figure it out. I think they had a working model with Copernicus, and it started to unravel with Michelson Morley and Sagnac, but Lorenz and Einstein save the day with absurd theories. And when we made airplanes that started flying high around WW2, we saw it was flat as high as we could go. Admiral Byrd is sent to figure out the truth of the poles, we send nukes up to see the height of things, Antartica is placed off limits, NASA is formed, we race to the moon and cement the idea, and here we are....

If you want to know some more about Alchemy and Freemasonry, etc, I have some (a lot) of info here: