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RE: What Is Life?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Say we was to find a watch in a dessert. Would we think that someone dropped or left this watch? Or would we suppose that the watch came by itself? Ofcourse no person with a inc of knowledge would say that the watch just emerged from the depths of the sand. All the intricate detailed architecture could not simply have existed from the metals that lay buried in the earth. The watch must have been manufactured. Likewise If this same watch is telling us the accurate time we expect the manufacturer must be intelligent. Blind chance cannot produce a working watch?

The same consists of the rise and set of the sun, their actions are so regulated by specfic timings that scientists can predict in advance the exact moment of sunrise or sunset,. If a watch cannot exist without a creative maker than how can the sun behave in such a regulatory manner?. By itself I'm not to sure...

Even if we all look at things like the distance of the sun to the earth... If the earth was any closer we would burn and die if we was further away Human life would be an impossibility on the earth. Could this distance be chance?

The earth needs a protective ozone layer to stop the Ray's of the sun reaching life .. who decided this protection is required.

Not all of this was mere chance was it? It all points towards one true possibility, the existence of a GOD.
Hope we can have an healthy discussion :)


i believe the discussion about a GOD is irrelevant. there must be a greater conscious force and i believe we together are god. every single living has this force. so all forces in this universe combined = GOD.

i also believe that our consciousness doesn't end with the end of our physical body. our consciousness didn't come from nothing. consciousness is our greatest mystery. we will never be able to answer what it is because we are part of this mystery.

thanks for your engagement @jawaida ;)