Sugar Industry Paid Harvard Scientists to Manipulate Research

in #science9 years ago (edited)

Scientific American: Sugar Industry Secretly Paid for Favorable Harvard Research

Documents show that a trade group was trying to influence the public understanding of sugar’s role in disease.

Can we admit that scientific research can be manipulated for generations without anyone catching on, and maybe we need some healthy skepticism of the scientific community and the way it operates?

If you think this was an isolated case, just look at how opioid manufacturers are suppressing medical marijuana and promoting their own product instead, just like what the sugar industry did to demonize fat.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg in the pharmaceutical industry. Then there's the agritech industry. Both use patents to gain sole control over risk assessment research submitted to the FDA. No independent research is permitted until after their products are released. Then, all independent research is contractually bound and funded by special interest groups.

Does that sound like a recipe for unbiased research?