those companies who care
for enviroment, are just those who invested in buying such status. there is no way to tell how they do it. ive personally been involved in buying status of eco friendly company for leather factory. its expensive, even for low level. also, when they are willing to buy such status, it means they are doing something very wrong, and they need some first aid shield in case of accidents.
also, as you said, palm oil is biggest export for these countries. it means their economy depends on it big time. their schools, hospitals and such.
ok im sorry for orangutans, but this seems like, we in europe got rid of our nature, animals and clear water because of progress. Americans did pretty same, if not worse (they were so progressive, almost got rid even of humans^) for the sake of progress.
but when Brazil wipes out their rainforest to create jobs, and employ its people, its attack on lungs of the world
. When Indonesia does it, its cruel and non human.
It seems like, we will live in our developed progressive countries we cleansed of everything, but they need to live in primitive ZOO-s and safari parks, because only we have the right to destroy planet for progress?
just sounds like that.