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RE: Epidiolex - The next step for medical Cannabis

in #science7 years ago

Marijuana is classified as a toxic substance by the ancient texts on Ayurvedic herbs, but it has been used in healing preparations after purification. It is mentioned in many of the ancient texts on Ayurveda like the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Shargandhara Samhita. Marijuana is described as a toxic substance by Sushruta and the description of the toxicity of marijuana is elaborated upon by many of the Rasa Shastras (the texts on medicinal preparations made from Metals, Minerals and Toxic plants). We must understand that in most formulas traditionally calling for marijuana in Ayurveda, that the marijuana is now usually omitted due to issues with legality. The use of marijuana in mainstream Ayurvedic practice today is virtually non-existent.