Here are some issues:Hello @battlr
While I really like #science on Steem, I don't think that this is a an best way to present it here like that, i.e. whole post as image (including text).
- it doesn't read as well as good quality fonts
- can't be effectively scaled which makes troubles on some devices
- can't be translated by non-english users
- text-to-speech would not work
- for search engines it's just a picture
Plain text + some drawings would be much, much better (IMHO)
I really appreciate your input!
I have thought about a lot of these things, and when I decided to do the series this way I made the choice based on the fact that if someone wanted to learn these topics, they could just google them, I wanted to present these things in a way that is fun for me (and hopefully the readers) so that it didnt feel like another assignment from one of my professors. I definitely need to work on making it more tidy, and I think that I have ironed out a few issues with my formatting. Let me know if my newest post is a bit better in terms of legibility -- I finally found an app that takes advantage of the full width of what Steemit allows, and also found a way to preserve vibrancy with the colors.
I hope that I can improve my handwriting to mitigate some of these issues, and if not, I need to find a way to present the ideas more visually with less text. But at the end of the day, I wanted to present something unique to this community that you don't get from googling a topic.