When you are Elon you can wake up one morning and shoot up a roadster in space! Why will he do that? The question should be why shouldn't he do that :)
I watched his interview where he said you could tell the car was real as the videos are poor quality since there are better CGI to stream if it was fake! I like people who do the impossible and take risks to break new boundaries. I see people going off to Mars on a weekend trip in the coming decade.
Conversation such as this will be real:
Mr A: Hey your number was unavailable all through last week. I only met iCat at the door who informed me you'd be back in the next 72 hours.
Mr B: Oh, I'm yet to upgrade iCat not to give out sensitive information to whosoever comes to the house. I was in Mars, would've returned yesterday. I missed the last flight to Earth.
iCat is the robotic pet that runs on solar energy. Lol
Quite the imagination! Especially given that it takes about 6 months to get to Mars and will likely never be less than 3 months each way =p
The future will change everything we once know or thought as impossible.