We all learned there are just 4 tastes: sweet, bitter, salty and sour.
But there are 2 more: umami, greasy!
Wikipedia says that People describe umami as "fleshy", "spicy" or "savory".
In 2011 they found new receptors on the tongue for greasy. But they are not sure yet if the receptors are connected to the brain.
Also, we learned that we taste this 4 tastes at different spots on the tongue. As In the followed picture:
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But this is not correct!
On the tongue, we have over 10'000 taste buds.
And on the taste buds are over 50-100 Taste receptor cells. Those receptors recognize the different tastes and send electric Impulses to the brain. Then we know what we eat.
So as we see the receptors are not just at one spot and we can taste everything on every spot. (If everything works fine.)
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Here is a picture about the function. It may help you to understand!
Good to know about our sense of taste:
- If we damage our tongue because we drink the coffee too hot, we got a burned tongue. Now the receptors need about 1-2 weeks to get restored. So don't worry!
- Elderly people got a lower amount of receptors, that explains why they like to put more salt and pepper on their food.
- Crazy is that people without a tongue smell too because we also have receptors at the palate and throat.
Now you know some more about our interesting tongue. If you have any question feel free to write it in the comments.
All the Information are taken from the book "Psychologie" form David G. Myers
As always stay happy
your @goodmindset