Sense of balance! How does it work in detail. Try out the self experiment.

in #science7 years ago

The sense of balance is in jargon called the Vestibular sense.
A healthy person isn't aware of the vestibular sense. It all works automatically in the daily life when you walk around or even if you just stand. Thro this sense makes it possible for a human to walk upright.

Image source

On every inner ear, we have 3 archway organs and 2 macular organs (Utriculus, Sacculus).
Those orangess are high specificated, they measure the movement from the body.

Hair bundles are going out of those organs. If we move know the hairs get movement and send signals to the brain.
If you think about grass. If the wind comes the grass is bowing a bit. This is how it works with the organs. Just that the bows are filled​ with liquid. And with the movement the liquid moves.

So we have for every dimension 1 organ. Completly with 2 ears, 2 organs for every dimension.
And the:

  • Utriculus is if I move from the left to the right.
  • Sacculus is if I move up or down.

Due to the information​ from the organs, the body is properly controlled.

Funny Experiment​ for yourself

If you turn around for 2 minutes. And then stop! the liquid will still be in movement​. So the signals are still sending.
This is why the whole​ world is turning.

As a conclusion, ​ we have 10 organs in our body that send​s signals to our brain​ about the movement. With this, ​we can walk upright.
If you have any question feel free to write it in the comments. I will do my best to help you.

All the information​ is taken from the book "Psychologie" from David G. Myers.

As always stay happy
your @goodmindset


That is really interesting. I loved the info from the experiment about how water keeps moving. This kinda resolves a mystery I always wondered about :)
Thanks for sharing!

Nice that you like it! For me, ​it was also interesting to read so I thought; I wanna share that.