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RE: Water has memory or kind of….: several experiments prove it.

in #science8 years ago

Yes, this is rather interesting and something i have been aware of before. Dr. Emoto's work is incredible. I have looked over his findings and been a student of his work for quite some time. They are even talking how they will eventually use water in the future for technological purposes as its ability to hold information is almost infinitely abundant. This is also why we are greatly affected by EMF's and all frequency because the water in our body's interacts with these frequencies and mutates/transforms whether good or bad. Great article. Nice to see material like this.


hi @giova thank you for your great comment,EMF means Electromotive force correct ? means that the water body that we are can be affected by battery or any current power ?

Precisely. This is why cell phones and antennas and Elector magnetic frequencies that are not resonating at the frequency of our cells can make us sick and mutate our bodies, hence all the cancer and proliferation of disease. This is one major cause...

Yes, your comment is's so true , but most people don't wish to listen....especially the relay antenna from the operator are installed even on the ground here .....many people still sleep just near their smartphone as well.

Yes it is quite bad.. hopefully people will start to listen one day.