The Leakey era begins

in #science7 years ago

After the successes at the southern end of Africa a dark age would descend on the South African caves.

The apartheid government in Pretoria would be less interested in supporting the hunt for humankind's ancestors and adopted a more creationist stance since they were heavily influenced by the ideas then prevalent in the highly influential and powerful Dutch Reformed Church.

This allowed the momentum to swing back in favor of East Africa and the "White African" Louis Leakey.

img source

He was initiated into the Kikuyu tribe and was truly at home in the African bush. It would not be long after his studies in England that he would find his way to Professor Hans Reck in Germany and the lure of Olduvai Gorge would beckon.

It was the tools that fascinated Leakey since he had been picking these up in Africa since his youth.

He made a bet with Reck and won it by finding stone tools, at Olduvai, within 24 hours of the arrival of their joint expedition in 1931.

So would begin a long history of work by Leakey and his relatives in East Africa. There would be no shortage of controversy in his and his sons careers in East Africa.

Much like with Dart and Broom, quirks of character and circumstance, as well as competition from other scientists, would make for colorful characters in a colorful story.


Many people don't know that it was his wife Mary who made the historic find in olduvai of the first human remains in Africa against the common belief that Asia was the birth place of humanity.

The Leakey family went on to do some great work in archaeology and anthropology . His son Richard Leakey became a prominent politician and wildlife conservationist.

The Leakey family went on to do some great work in archaeology and anthropology . His son Richard Leakey became a prominent politician and wildlife conservationist. Though he is retired, his work made a great impact-I believe he still lives in Kenya.

Louis Leakey had some important impacts worthy of note in paleoarchaeology
His research cuts across protecting wildlife too...Never knew he was Eastern African

Great post.i appreciate your post

Africa had fighted Aparthied for ages and yet there are few reports of it, happening in modern time era

Louis Leakey had some important impacts worthy of note in paleoarchaeology
His research cuts across protecting wildlife too...Never knew he was Eastern African

I bet there must be a lot of forgotten items and tools in Africa giving the great story of that continent.

Thanks for your share. Keep it up and well done.

Lo considero un Lord de la Paleoantropología.


Helloo @gavvet
Me, @menulissejarah (writing history)
I see articles and photos on your post, have a historical, education, and cultural value of an area. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. Thanks.
Date:April, 1, 2018


Helloo @gavvet
Saya, @menulissejarah (#menulissejarah)
Saya melihat artikel dan foto pada postingan milikmu, memiliki nilai sejarah, pendidikan, dan budaya suatu daerah. Postingan ini tentunya sangat menarik untuk menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu sejarah.
Jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan resteem postingan ini di akun saya. Terima kasih.
Tanggal: 1 April 2018

Thank you for sharing, scientific and geological topics dealing with Africa are always interesting. Keep up your great work!


I am assuming that modern genetics will give us new information about human origins. It looks like they finally definitively established that the Neanderthal actually did mix with other humans living at the same time and some of us carry their genes today.

I have just read an article by Charles Bosman where he talks about the Stone Age and the subsequent decline of Humanity. I cackled aloud repeatedly when I read "Africana museum". I must say that Smuts and Bosman are inclining me to reading up on all this stuff. When I read this I thought of the ancient cutting stone you found and showed me. I am interested to look into the conflict between the Church and Science of that time period

Interesting, a good starting point for further investigation. Followed.

Mu eresting post friend I love greetings

Great post.... Just on point...
I just followed you

a good afternoon. @gavvet you are history scientist kah

These are science orientation..
Team up
All the way

It's very better explained after begin Leakey era @gavvet. You very recently introduced science title indeed blogs like as this.
Happy Ester to you and hope to be enjoy with this valuable post.