This is the first moon with rings.
They haven't been photographed yet but are inferred by:
observed changes in the flow of electrons trapped by Saturn's magnetic field
The rings are not as glamorous as saturn's but its fitting that the first moon with rings was found orbiting saturn.
Below is an artist's impression and not an actual photograph.
By NASA/JPL/JHUAPL -, Public Domain, Link
I'll love to see an actual photo if this moon. Also, what's the name of the moon, or is it nameless like our moon?
Rhea, added, thanks
Excellent photo with freat quality
Posted using Partiko Android
Excellent photo with great quality
Posted using Partiko Android
It is incredible how less we actually know about our solar system. We have a lot of to discover in the universe even in our own solar system.
I'm really excited about it!
Posted using Partiko Android