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in #science7 years ago

I was always curious about this and when I checked for why at the time, there was no "scientific explanation" and the material of the scorpions shell had been an unsolved mystery as to what the material or element it was. I haven't seen the video yet so I'll do that before continuing


Well I watched the video and I think the question remained unanswered Lol. But I did enjoy the video. I am too lazy now to check if the mystery has been solved, I only researched this about 6 years ago. It was said that the material of their shell had yet to be identified (if i recall correctly, identified in the periodic table of elements?). I kind of liked the idea that it was a mystery and hoped it wouldn't be explained by science because I have found through life that science is limited to the material and physical world and is far away from other realities I have experienced that could not be explained scientifically. Just like "what came first, the chicken or the egg? the sphere or the gravity?" It helps us realize that we don't really know anything (or at least not as much as we like to assume) and I really like things that tell us this because we are now stuck in a situation where everyone is so afraid of not knowing, afraid of accepting ignorance, and ready to use science and mathematics to make assumptions and theories. Accepting this fact of "not knowing" however is humbling and I wish more people would embrace this not knowingness rather than make assumptions. The worse is when people try to use science to "debunk" magic or esoteric phenomena or many other things that are not concerned with the physical / material world. I have always had a natural liking to scorpions so this mystery gives more space for wonder and enamours me more to them.

Yeah, what I shared in the video sounded like it may not have gone any deeper than what you had already found out. I too am impressed by man's lack of capabilities in explaining or understanding certain things out there!