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RE: The rise of the robots – will your job be gone in coming years?

in #science5 years ago

Another way to respond to this "scare" of loss of jobs to robots -

Massive job losses have already happened:

  • low skill manual labor jobs - lost to "undocumented aliens" (or whatever is the political-correct name) but, who cares? Those jobs Americans don't want anyway!
  • jobs for children and young adults - lost to child-labor laws and to higher minimum wage
  • service jobs - food service, delivery, etc. - lost to automation which can't be called intelligent - kiosks at fast food restaurants, Uber-eats, drones (coming soon)
  • jobs at large financial institutions, IT, call centers/help desk, and healthcare industries - outsourced to off-shore and near-shore converted or converting to local due to H1B visa and large contracting firms

Hi @freedomshift

Big thx for sharing your opinion. Appreciate your time :)

Enjoy your sunday,