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RE: Only 6% of Drug Advertising Material is Supported by Scientific Evidence - British Medical Journal

in #science7 years ago

That is just incredible. On American TV there are more drug commercials than anything else. "Medical drugs" are being sold to people before they even go to the doctor. Not only do doctors not really know the details of each drug they prescribe, but they are met with people that think they know what they need. I am not so sure that it is just Government pushing, but it seems like more people are pulling for it. How do we keep people from running toward it?


The tv networks make a lot from drug ads. They are not going to speak too critically about one of their customers unless we demand it.

How do we keep people from running toward it?

By educating people on how the game is played. Talking to people, asking doctors good questions, demanding good answers, bringing more people to this platform. It all helps. It's not going to happen overnight but it can happen.