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in #science7 years ago (edited)

Interesting. I understand what you are saying...couldn't a "flat earther" say the same thing about "round earthers". It amazes me that no matter how many flat/round articles I read it always...always ends with the person not sharing a mainstream view to be ignorant. Why can't each view ignore the other. Ultimately, the only way someones view effects someone else, is when that someone else wants to prove their own view is superior. Much like how round earthers view flat it possible to have another view that says debating either side accomplishes nothing except division? @jschindler @kerriknox


There is no such thing as a "round earther." Those are people who live in reality. Really this is just another example of anti-science (flat earth) which is pervasive in modern society.

While I understand the point you're making, there are objective and discernable rules that govern reality. Accepting people who are insane as being sane accomplishes nothing.

I'm not too sure who or what I would determine to be insane. The very idea of reality is subjective. Objectives and measurements created inside someone elses reality. I am really not an either or kind of person. I am simply very aware when others seem to fail to see that the owner of the opposing view is a person too. 😁

Reality isn't subjective. If that were true, then the rules governing it could be different for everyone. Unless you're suggesting that someone can will gravity out of existence, there are objective rules that the reality we perceive follows. Rejecting those rules, or pretending that they don't exist, would necessarily make someone insane, insofar as they reject reality.

It's one thing to reject a particular attitude or outlook. It's another thing entirely to reject real, observable facts.

I understand. I can see where you are coming from. I like to ask the questions like this...I have never tested gravity, nor have i personally seen a satellite...I have taken the word of someone that they are both real. It is all "real" based on research I have had no part of. I could read what they say, but dies that mean its real? Does that make sense?

"I have never tested gravity, nor have i personally seen a satellite"

Physical reality doesn't care about your opinion nor whether you've personally tested it or not.

"I have never tested gravity"

You test it every moment of your existence. Quit playing stupid.

"nor have i personally seen a satellite"

Willful ignorance and lazyness is not evidence for a 'maybe it's not real' argument.

Whoa....nice. Guys, i was just playing the other side of the idea. "Quit playing stupid" further proves my observation....anyone that doesnt agree with mainstream sciences gets accused of being ignorant. Thank you.

".anyone that doesnt agree with mainstream sciences gets accused of being ignorant. "

Except it's not that you don't agree. It's that you're claiming to have no clue about whether it's right or not because you personally have never tested it.

I told you to stop playing stupid because you're playing stupid. "gee, I just don't know because i've never tested it".

Then test it. Go look for a satelite. As I said, willful ignorance and lazyness is not evidence for a 'maybe it's not real' argument.

That is rather harsh of you to call someone stupid simply because they don't align with your view. Personally I don't believe in gravity. I believe there is an effect which we do feel yes. However, even scientists are baffled as to why out of all the forces. Gravity is so weak.

Another model, called The Electric Universe does more to answer this than what science does. I'm not aligned completely with that hypothesis either but Science itself is always changing. If there is new found evidence that Gravity is not what you were lead to believe. It would be you in the seat of 'stupid' for judging others so narrowly simply because they weren't as convinced as you are.

Uhhhh, no.

A. The electric universe theory does not discount or deny gravity. It suggests that electromagnestism is the cause of gravity.

So bringing up TEU as a reason to discount gravity is.....-you know what goes here-.

B. Experiments have proven that electromagnetism does not cause gravity, yet the proponents of the theory remain convinced.

So no, TEU theory doesn't 'do more to answer this than what science does'.

C. TEU theory still believes in the 'aether'. Mmm hmmm.

D. The points TEU uses to 'discredit' gravity are 100% applicable to TEU.

"....gravity is so weak."

Gravity is not weak. It will slam you into the ground 100% of the time.

You can test gravity very easily, come on... You CAN also see satellites and/or the ISS (International space station) on most clear nights almost anywhere in the world with your own eyes. They have an APP ISS detector you can download that will alert you when the ISS will be passing over your location. You can easily see it if you are looking for it when/where the app tells you to. How much more "real" do you need?

Exactly. The world is full of mystery. A physical world we can see could be very different beyond our dimensions. A 3rd dimension object can see a 2 dimension object. Can a 2 dimensional object see a 3 dimensional object? Well possibly only slices. Now can we, as a 3 dimensional species see 4th 5th or 6th dimensions. We probably only perceive slices of our true existence. We could be totally fooled by everything we see and think we know 😁

LOL There is no division. I don't go around trying to prove the earth is spherical. I already know it, if you or someone else doesn't, it's really not my problem. It's mostly funny, but sad in a way. The "flat earthers" are just hurting themselves by believing something that can be disproved by real scientific data, not some BS claim about a "high powered zoom lens". This isn't a debate about politics, religion or anything else subjective to one's own opinions or abstract ideas. You, myself and anyone else in the world can readily use a telescope to look at the MOON and/or PLANETS, which are clearly SPHERICAL. Why then, would anyone draw the conclusion or then deduce the same mass or body we are on would somehow be a flat disk? Does that really make sense? I won't argue this with you, like I said before I don't have to prove to kids that Santa clause doesn't exist. They will figure it out eventually on their own.