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RE: Population Growth Is Directly Proportional to Assholery

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I think that the fundamental problem with human societies lies in the scale factor. As Harari points out in his book 'Sapiens', the human interactions and social events are vastly shaped by each society's numbers. A small scale community is most likely to shape strong and long lasting relationships between its members as part of a mutual win-win cooperation. Even in the case of an dissapointed/distant individual the need for survival would eventually force him into either joining the team or abandoning it. And since the possibilities for survival alone in the pre-historic times where quite low comparing to today's standards the individual would propably choose to work with the team. As that number grows and people are starting to stack up into mass urban complexes, the propability of a respectable amount of different community-leavers joining forces into a new group rises significaly. A good example of that would all the different types of music/entertainment/sports tat exist in every society. The choices people make shape their identities, or atleast the way they define themselfes. So imo I think that a big part of the issue lies on the social nature of humans, the ' I dont like them, so Im gonna do it my way', which leads to inevitable conflicts and therefore the feeling of someone beeing an ashole to the people around him.

I hope that makes sense !
Χαιρετίσματα από την πατρίδα ;)


It does.

Very well put and excellent book for reference.

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