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RE: How Not To Use Scientific References

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Why seeing things differently would be spiritual shebang? Seeing world differently is in no way connected to spirituality, rather it is a skill (one has inborn, or has gained it through any given drug) to look at things from different perspective. It is actually the core of being able to think critically. This was a hate over the line imo.

Otherwise I agree with the thoughts, but they are arranged in a way too offensive text. Proving your point doesn’t have to be done by throwing insults all around you. Just saying.


I see world differently than most of us do. Then I put my glasses on and then I see the world in a pretty same way rest of us does.

I see the world like most people do. Then I join a team testing new sensor instruments for new satellites that can see much wider parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and see that things actually have a completely different colour if your eyes were sensitive enough to detect it :P

So I guess we're all seeing the world "differently" because our eyes suck :P

Actually I'm a playboy millionaire and I've replaced my eyes with high tech sensors.

That's not true thougth, but it'd be cool, as eyes really suck :D

If we become crypto-multi-milllionaires, I suggest we make a StartUp to research and build Multispectral Instrument-contact lenses. Would be freaking awesome. And freaky.

Let's make this happen!

Haha deformation should have been mentioned too:P My eyes probably don’t do an extraordinary job either. Though you ignore the point of being able to annex many points of view and contexts, thus being able to look at single percept differently.

This is actually more interesting than it should be :D

We live in a crazy, crazy world.

What does it even mean "see world differently"? Isn't that yet another bullshit statement? We are all humans with the same exact biological receptors. A drunk person or one under LSD or in Disney land will see the world differently. It's all contextual.

Offensive? Please mate. Not that bullshit excuse again. Watch this

I explained it in sentence that came right after that. Seeing stuff from different perpsectives using different contexts (thats how I percieve it).

I was not offended, its really hard to offend me. Im just saying youre aggresive. Do whatever you want with that fact.

Throwing "bullshits" is your speciality? Either you want to discuss with me and take it seriously, or we could both save some time.

I explained it in sentence that came right after that. Seeing stuff from different perpsectives using different contexts (thats how I percieve it).

water is wet and it can be humid is not an explanation. All human beings have the ability to see things differently and they almost always do. It is not a special ability and does not require substances to be accomplished.

I was not offended, its really hard to offend me. Im just saying youre aggresive.

You specifically stated that the text was offensive. A text cannot have such a quality unless someone attributes that quality.

Do whatever you want with that fact.

Definitely not a "fact" pal. It is your subjective opinion about a given way of expression. Look the world up on google.

Throwing "bullshits" is your speciality?

It is a rather solid word. I could use boloney and still not come as "offensive". You just happen to entertain a lit of bit of puff as I will assume from your picture and at some point you did embrace the "spiritual" part. I know, assumptions but profile pictures usually say a lot about someone else's beliefs.

Either you want to discuss with me and take it seriously, or we could both save some time.

Oh you bet your ass I cannot take you seriously if you continue this level of discussion. The quality of the comment depends heavily on what I see above it.

  1. If one thinks that he’s always right then he has proven an inability to look at percept from different context and point of view. All human beings might have that ability somewhere in themselves but most struggle to do so. I NEVER said that it requires substance - that’s logical foul used against me number 1. All I said is that substance can help in order to become critical and open minded person, for I believe that those qualities are strictly associated to being able to being able to annex different perspectives/point of views and make logical output out of more than just one.

  2. Yes of course I have imbedded the "quality of offensiveness", yet I’m not offended by it. I have it for myself to try not to step over the line myself.

  3. You’re right I have used a wrong word. By that paragraph I meant that this is how it looks to me and do whatever you want with it. (My guess would be nothing)

  4. I don’t know what does you calling everything bullshit have to do with me smoking pot. You assume wrongly, I have never embraced no kind of spirituality of weed at any given point. (2nd argumentation foul).

  5. I’m interested whether saying "yes you’re right" is even in your skill set, for if not, then this can’t even be called discussion. You should work on your humbleness and ego take this as a friendly advice.


I would imagine the statement "see the world differently" is referring to ones own subjective perspective shifting. So, it's a statement to suggest that one had an experience of altered perspective that was able to give them a broader picture. It's all subjective. :)