The Giant Leap for Mankind

in #science6 years ago (edited)

The Dream

It is a dream of humanity to travel into space several decades ago. This herculean dream was given a lit of hope when the Wright Brothers successfully flew their invented fixed-winged airplane on 17th of December 1903. Many inventors were trying their best to create the flying machine but Wright Brothers cemented the record of being the first to fly a successful airplane and the rest is history.

On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane 20 feet above a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The flight lasted 12 seconds and covered 120 feet. Three more flights were made that day with Orville's brother Wilbur piloting the record flight lasting 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet.
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As the technology advances so as the dream of humanity. When the dream to fly came into fruition, now they are gunning to travel in space and set foot on the moon. Both scientists and inventors collaborated and spend day and night to create a rocket that can travel into space and bring life to the moon.

The First's into Space.

It is known that Neil Armstrong and his team were the first to set foot on the moon but before that, there are so many trials and experiments were done to safely travel in space. They used several animals to ride in the rocket go into space.

The first rocket ever sent to space probably carried bacteria or some other accidental passenger. But the first animals ever intentionally sent into space were fruit flies launched aboard a V2 rocket in 1947. US scientists were studying the effects of radiation at high altitude.

A rhesus monkey called Albert 1 became the first monkey launched into space on June 11, 1948; also on board a US-launched V2 rocket.

These were just suborbital flights, though. The first animal to actually go into orbit was the dog Laika, launched on board the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft on November 3, 1957. Unfortunately, Laika died during the flight.
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The Giant Leap for Mankind

The first man that ever travel in space was Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, boarded on the Vostok 3KA-3 spacecraft (Vostok 1) on 12 April 1961.

On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the Vostok 1 spacecraft blasted off from the Soviets' launch site. Because no one was certain how weightlessness would affect a pilot, the spherical capsule had little in the way of onboard controls; the work was done either automatically or from the ground. If an emergency arose, Gagarin was supposed to receive an override code that would allow him to take manual control, but Sergei Korolov, chief designer of the Soviet space program, disregarded protocol and gave it to the pilot prior to the flight.

Over the course of 108 minutes, Vostok 1 traveled around the Earth once, reaching a maximum height of 203 miles (327 kilometers). Over Africa, the engines fired to bring Gagarin back to Earth. The craft carried ten days worth of provisions in case the engines failed and Gagarin was required to wait for the orbit to naturally decay, but they were unnecessary. Gagarin re-entered Earth's atmosphere, experiencing forces up to eight times the pull of gravity, but remained consciousness.
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Actually, it is not only Neil Armstrong who set foot on the moon but he has with him his co-astronauts. They were three astronauts on board in the Apollo 11 - Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins. But Neil was the first who set foot on the moon followed by Aldrin.

It was 1961. John F. Kennedy was the president of the United States. He wanted to land humans on the moon. The United States had just started trying to put people in space. Was NASA ready to go to the moon? The president and NASA knew they could do it. They were ready to put people on the moon. Apollo 11's mission was to land two men on the moon. They also had to come back to Earth safely.

Apollo 11 blasted off on July 16, 1969. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins were the astronauts on Apollo 11.

Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon. They landed on the moon in the Lunar Module. It was called the Eagle. Collins stayed in orbit around the moon. He did experiments and took pictures.

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the moon. He and Aldrin walked around for three hours. They did experiments. They picked up bits of moon dirt and rocks.

Lyka the Dog
Neil's Team



Nice posting to change the life.
Keep it up.

Thanks bro

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great characters who made history! and what remains to be achieved! the world never stops! pzz upvote my post i will upvote your post

I am not sure about this.. 😓😓😓
Too controversial to decide if this a fact or a myth. 🤯