How Often Are Your Symptoms Caused by Anxiety?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

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Not as often as one thinks, it turns out. Assuming that “anxiety” refers to purely psychological distress due to external factors that affect one’s life, it is given a lot of undeserved credit for several undiagnosed physical conditions that can affect a human being. You go to a doctor with a strange medical symptom. If the regular exams don’t immediately categorize you into one of the commonly known diseases, their next suggestion is invariably stress and anxiety.

This comes down to one of the most common fallacies a doctor can commit. Despite our natural inclination to believe so, No Evidence of Disease does not imply Evidence of No Disease. In simple words, the fact that your doctor hasn’t found a disease, doesn’t mean that there is no disease to be found.

Sometimes, there are hidden illnesses which are difficult to discover through regular checkups. Because psychological anxiety can sometimes manifest in physical symptoms, many doctors falsely assume that all non-diagnosed symptoms are due to anxiety. It's not the case. There are many complicated processes in the human body and in many cases we cannot know how one small damage can cause another one through a domino effect.

Let’s not forget that our human body is actually a composite of several small microorganisms, others residing in the stomach, others in the intestines, and so on. Take for example the effects of the parasite Toxoplasma Gondii in mice and humans. Toxoplasma is a parasite that can infect most animals, but can only reproduce in cats’ intestines. When mice get infected with the parasite, it causes them to stop fearing the smell of cat's’ urine, and even become attracted to it. This modification in predator aversion results in infected mice to be more likely to be eaten by a cat!

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Toxoplasma attaches itself to the hypothalamus of the mice brain and alters neurochemical communication. The attraction towards the predator is created by an increase in dopamine levels, a neurotransmitter associated with reward-motivated behaviors, such as sexual attraction. In other words, Toxoplasma has found a way through evolutionary adaptation to hack the brains of mice and produce behaviors that favor its own survival and reproduction (but not the infected animal’s).

It gets even more interesting for humans. A correlation has been found between infection with Toxoplasma Gondii and increased risk of traffic accidents, leading to the hypothesis that the parasite alters certain neural paths in human’s brains that control our reward system. This leads to an impulsive behavior that disregards consequences and favors immediate pleasure rewards, such as high-speed driving.

Furthermore, recent epidemiological studies suggest an association between some cases of schizophrenia and infection with the parasite, although further studies need to be done to confirm this hypothesis. It is interesting to note, however, that medications used to treat schizophrenia act by blocking dopamine receptors. When given similar medication, mice infected with Toxoplasma stop being attracted to their predators smell and returned to their regular response of fearing them.

A similar thing happens with Rabies virus, which again hacks the nervous system and causes aggression and an urge to bite in infected animals. Apart from that it causes “hydrophobia”, a fear of water. This is useful for the virus because it multiplies in the salivary glands of the infected animal, with the objective of being transmitted to more animals through biting. Since saliva has to stay in the mouth ready to be transmitted, and its swallowing would ruin its plan, the virus causes the infected animal to fear water. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing and panic when presented with liquids to drink, accompanied by painful spasms of the muscles in the throat and larynx.

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There are millions of microorganisms that reside in our bodies, forming different combinations for each individual. Our personality and behavior does not depend only on external events, but also on internal battles for survival. It turns out that free will is not so free after all. Our bodies are cities with millions of inhabitants and complicated infrastructure, any modification of which contributes to our overall behavior.

Damage to an organ can certainly lead to damage in another one, and the human body is so complicated that finding the initial cause is sometimes near to impossible. Let’s take the example of a person who suffers from dangerously high blood pressure. Nearly all doctors he visited in the past have told him that the cause is anxiety, since all examinations in involved body parts (heart, lungs, arteries) showed nothing wrong. After a lot of searching, it turns out that it’s all a domino effect: an operation he had had on the right leg years ago led him to shift his body balance mainly on his left leg, leading to swelling and triggering a neurological damage. This in turn caused intense neurological pain, forcing him to resort to a chronic use of painkillers, which after a few years damaged the stomach and contributed to the condition of hiatal hernia, an abnormality where a part of the stomach slides up into the chest cavity past the diaphragm, and in his case, puts pressure on a main artery and increases blood pressure!

Consider the example of a person who has had a pulmonary autoimmune reaction possibly to an anesthetic, after two surgeries happening one too soon after another. Even if it subsides, this can trigger a long-term imbalance in the whole body’s immune system, which can end up affecting the thyroid gland with another (seemingly unrelated) autoimmune disease several years later. This can result in hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalance, manifesting in symptoms as general as weight gain, fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, low sex drive and depression. If the patient went to a regular doctor with these symptoms, would the doctor first suspect of the brief autoimmune reaction several years ago? Or would they think of stress in the workplace and send them off to a counselor? Even if they do diagnose the most recent autoimmune response on the thyroid glands, they would most likely attribute it to psychological anxiety, as it happens with most autoimmune diseases nowadays.

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The above sound like Doctor House episodes, but they are real case scenarios and happen way more often than we think. Is there a correlation with anxiety? Sure there is. But correlation does not imply causation. A hidden condition can cause anxiety, not necessarily the other way around. The body feels there is something wrong with it, so the first response is obviously, stress, fatigue, conservation of energy.

There is no such thing as purely physical or purely psychological anxiety. The body’s functions are interlinked and modified with continuous feedback from external stimuli. The brain is extremely plastic and modifies itself to fit each alteration. Since there is no effective way to attribute each individual change to different causes, the concept of pure psychological anxiety is only fiction. At least for the recent trend in medical diagnosis, the term "anxiety" constitutes an overgeneralized concept usually meaning “a combination of unidentified causes”. In reality there is usually not one single cause for every symptom, which is why diseases are so hard to diagnose and unique for everyone.


There is also the recent but very slow acknowledgement of PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) in children and also PANS (non-strep often caused by Lyme infection). This disorder often causes extremely severe OCD and tics. Then there is the recent research showing depression being caused by inflammation of the brain. And there is the successful treatment of schizophrenia with B vitamins... Eventually, most mental illness will be able to be treated medically with some behavioral help on the side I'm sure. The current medications do nothing to heal anything yet unfortunately. Following!

Wow, I hadn't heard of PANDAS. Thank you. About medications, it always depends on the case. In conditions that involve a noticeable alteration of personality and/or behavior, however, most medications treat symptoms, not the underlying causes, since these are too hard to pin point and can be the result of more than one factor. For example in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and stimulant psychosis, medications will try to block your dopamine receptors, but why were they messed up in the first place? Unfortunately many diseases do not have a direct cure yet even if you do know the cause, and you can only repair the damage without directly attacking what caused it, or just alleviate the symptoms for a better quality of life.

How do you get inflammation of the brain? Wow - never heard of that one.

wowww...this Great post... thank you for it!

Thank you!

Doctors have to put a label on it to prescribe a pill, make their commission/quota, and enjoy their bonus/free trip.

It's often patients' fault too, because most people expect doctors to find a cause and treat it right away, and do not really appreciate an honest "I don't know".

Outstanding analysis. Well done.

Thank you!

I agree :)

thank you :)

Wow! Awesome ...Following you for more.
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Thank you :)

Excellent informative post. Now following you.

Thank you!

Damned. This is the best thing I have read in a long time. I am a person that has had problems with anxiety, panic attacks, severe depression and problems with thought control in more than a decade... I have had the impression that most of the times the causes are external, like sleep deprivation, bad nutrition (sometimes because of stomach or intestinal problems), And one of the most underestimated ones: too little or too much sunlight!
This post is a breath of fresh air to me!
Thank you

I'm glad I gave you a new perspective! There is no clear distinction between body and mind, since all organs and microorganisms within our bodies interact constantly in response to the environment and to each other, and the outcome is what we call our personality. Babies, for example, have an instinctive response to insert their fingers into their mothers mouths. At that moment, they are "hiring" bacteria that their mother already has in her stomach, and which help to break down food. This is also why kids like to eat sand and things we adults consider dirty. They do it to familiarize their immune system with microbes. If a child is raised in an overprotective and overly clean home, for example, it is possible that some of the necessary microorganisms are lacking, say, from their stomach. This could lead to an inability to process certain nutrients later on, or cause stomach or intestinal problems which in turn could lead to bad nutrition. A subsequent nutrient deficiency or even physical stress caused by intestinal muscle contractions could begin a chain reaction that involves the whole body and manifests in anxiety. Did your overprotective parents cause your anxiety? Well, maybe they contributed, but not exactly the way you'd thought :)

Maybe they did, they were very protective, but I have lost them both to cancer at a young age, that hasn't improved my anxiety either...

I'm sorry about that. I meant it only as an example of how a domino effect can affect overall health in unsuspected ways. It certainly doesn't help losing both parents to cancer. Is your anxiety still on the same levels as before?

It comes and goes, but I noticed that sleep and structure is very important for me...

Great post! thank you for sharing!


Is your mind less overanalytical or are you actively suppressing negative thoughts that will come back to haunt you later on? Not trying to be mean, I just don't agree that a self-imposed positive perception is the way to go. All these drugs you seem to be using can seriously mess up your system, and anxiety will get worse in case you decide to stop (or need to stop for health reasons).


Thank you. You are right about not complaining and start being more active, trying to improve yourself as much as you can as well as accepting yourself with your flaws. I'm not against trying drugs or new experiences, but one has to be very careful since with prolonged use they can seriously alter your brain chemistry. Keep in mind though, falling in love is also, technically, a drug. Your brain reacts the same way as with drugs and gambling, releasing dopamine, as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which give you the feelings of anticipation, pleasure, excitement and infatuation. As with any high, it will at some point drop and by then you need to make sure you don't hook to something new and unhealthy. It's better to "train" your brain t activate the same reward system for healthier activities such as sports, or a hobby. Brain hacks ;) Have a good day!

Well done. I like u r post.

Very good analysis , loved reading it! Resteemed and followed!

Thanks a lot for your support!

Stress/anxiety is a killer. It's almost a placebo with a mind of its own that can cast the most hideous of spells.

Well, according to my post, stress is not always a "placebo".

Excellent article ! Life is a miraculous humbling blessing and until there is an issue we take so much for granted. Thank you and much gratitude for sharing such an important message.

Thank you. It's true that we take so much for granted!

I feel like anxiety is the dizziness of freedom isn't it ?

That doesn't make much sense :p

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Well, I can share with you some tips to get more followers. Try to focus on just one or two subjects/ topics in your blog. In general, keep a consistent style. Try to get to know more people, either through steemit chat or through comments. And most importantly, try to write your own articles; don't copy content from other sources and just change it a little bit. Mention the source even if it's a summary, and also mention your images sources. I hope that helps! :)

Great post. From me upvote.

Thank you!

Great Post! The instances you mention of microbes affecting human behavior are well explained here. This is a fascinating aspect of microbiology and I'm glad to see some light shed on it here.

Thank you. I see you are also interested in the field, following you :)

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Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately having a busy full-time job only allows me to come online in irregular times. I get what you mean though, a good strategy always earns you more!

Wow. Just learned a whole lot about myself and symptoms I have. All relates to anxiety.

I'm glad I helped!

A very useful science