NOT Your High School Electrolysis. Give me ONE WEEK to BLOW YOUR MIND.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

What most people are already familiar  simple Electrolysis.

I bet quite a few of you are 'already in the Know' regarding the information I am hoping to lay out for you here.  BUT for those of you that are new to the topic of HHO/Brown's Gas/Rhodes Gas/Hydroxy Gas, (or Monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen held in an expanded state while maintaining the covalent bond). A product of a unique form of Electrolysis developed and refined over many years by different researchers, inventors and companies.  But we'll get to that.  Or rather, you will, if you want to.... I just lay it out for you, since I wish someone had for me years ago.  So Enjoy!

As I stated in a previous post, I am not a scientist, nor do I come from a science background.  I am however an enthusiast of many Sciences and enjoying learning about conventional, emerging and controversial scientific theories and technologies.  The post mentioned above, was my attempt to get some help understanding a topic from the scientific community here, on Steemit, however small a group it may presently be.  While I received great feedback for the post, little help, aside from a link to a wikipedia page, was made available and my crypto payout seemed like a dull reward compared to the actual engagement I was requesting.

In this post.  I don't care.  This is just for me, you, the World and to help me lay this all out in one go.  I've been coming across information about this topic for over a decade and frankly, I don't really care whether I understand it, if it is REALLY REAL or just an elaborate hoax by various enterprising individuals in different corners of the world.

I think if anyone actually takes the time to read this post, examine the links, watch the videos and consider the very real possibility that there is perhaps more out there than what we are given in school, you may learn something, be entertained and perhaps we can actually advance the conversation into a reality where these scientific truths(?) and discoveries are applied and made commonplace for the good of all.

But rather than just write this like myself(who would give you an analogy of chopping wood against the grain, 90 degrees lets say, and using the broad side of the axehead to chop the wood, that's what we call electrolysis... this process is like finally turning the wood upright and using the sharp side (resonant frequencies) to easily split the log), I'm instead, going to be my own Devil's Advocate... so starting after this sentence, you can imagine me as a skeptical scientist, trying to see where I'm getting all this from....


So what's the big deal?  Another way to split water into hydrogen and oxygen?

Stanley Meyer - It Runs On Water-  Water Fuel Cell    (full movie HERE)

That's just one guy!!  And I heard he was a Fraud!!!

NBC WAVE TV 3 News Video Aquygen HHO Water Fuel Breakthrough   

Yeah, but his company is nowhere to be found!  Nobody else is doing that!

Brazil: This motorbike runs on WATER!   

Yeah, But........

Water-Powered Car Created by Sunder in hyderabad


Karimnagar :Man invented water powered Bike

Nobody has replicated it!!


There isn't anything else it could be used for!

Browns Gas additional properties.flv 

H2eat HHO Heater

HHO Indonesia, Last trial for Water Powered Cooking Stove

IT can't really neutralize Radioactivity!

Nuclear Waste Neutralization Using Hydroxy Gas   

Detoxifying Chemtrail Pollutants & Nuclear Fallout | Ken Rohla

Well, it's probably bad for the water....  Right?  :(


Ok, but they probably aren't even around still!

XOGEN 2015 V3 Clean 

Yeah, but how do we know that they are actually connected to Universities?

Where else could this technology be used, hiding in plain sight?

Growing Roots - This Farmer Is Taking Root On Your Rooftops // Discovery on Viddsee 

Wouldn't there be some health problems from the Gas?

Brown's Gas for Health 1 of 5 ~ Intro  (I recommend watching all of them on your own)

C'mon, people would be selling this sort of thing, openly!  I've never seen anywhere you could get this

Eagle-Research HyZor installed by 21 yr old girl

C'mon where is the scientific community or a real presentation that clarifies all this stuff?

One Million Cavitating Water Electrolyzers | Moray B King

Suppressed Free Energy - Browns Gas - Water Into Fuel Engine [FULL VIDEO]   

Anything you could just buy and/or build? You know, just to see for yourself?

Assemble and Wire ER50 Brown's Gas (BG or HHO) Electrolyzer from Kit (upgraded)   

HHO Generator - Water to Fuel Converter (This is a Pale comparison to the others presented here)

Ohmasa Gas 

I think I need some water.......... (end scene)

Oh and don't confuse this technology with these ones... one is making plasma, the other uses radio waves and the last is actually creating synthetic natural gas from water and Carbon.

  Paul Pantone Plasma Reactor Motor

  Salt Water Fuel        

Bingo fuel Reactor french replica1.avi

Ok I think that is more than enough to chew on... Like I said it might be a week in here) but to briefly summarize, this gas can and has been used to replace fossil fuels in combustion engines.  It can purify water, provide efficient heat, be used to weld and is a superior gas for welding (capable of many feats other gases cannot ie welding glass and brick together , it can made on demand and stored under pressure (see Ohmasa) it can be used for health (not that much unlike Kangen water).  It can Neutralize radioactive material when combined with other simple metals through the welding process.  People who went far with the idea in fields that competed with vested interests had odd endings and those that applied it to more general fields, are making headway.  BUT, I would be curious how many who made it this far, is not totally surprised by at least one thing or another on here.

Want to share your own thoughts on water?  This technology?  Do you have any Peer reviewed scientific research papers that you could cite regarding this topic?

IF so!  Comment Below

Otherwise, upvote ( IF you LEARNED Something!)

   AND RESTEEM   IF YOU THINK OTHERS SHOULD KNOW!  If not, that's fine too. :)

Water water, everywhere... but what does it mean to You NOW?


Don't forget that Resteem for others, so they can find this info!

And to my High School Science teacher:


Nice post! One of the keys to stan meyer's tech was his ability to control the burn rate of hho, and slow it down.

Very cool, did not know that! I also heard that many that tried to replicate his technology would get stuck in different 'dead ends' but that one aspect that is underestimated, it the role of sound/vibration to help the gas production, perhaps not just in finding the ideal resonant frequency, but also to have the sound aid the bubbles of gas to dislodge from the cells making it. Ohmasa from Japan has some fascinating developments, such as the ability to produce and STORE the case in cylinders, but also to clarify that sound is one factor that heavily influences gas production. I'll probably have to watch it again, but I chose NOT to include hours of Stan Meyers lectures since they can be a bit dry and may intentionally include information to veil underpinnings of the technology while he was alive. But that's another Week on youtube :/ too technical for me. But I had heard something to that effect before, thanks @dayoneness :) Apparently, the gas is implosive when in balance (between the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen) and explosive when that ratio is off by 5% or more. Maybe that was the kind of thing he had to fiddle with for burn rate optimization.... ?

That's a really good point and relates to a lot of the mind bending physics that seems to take place, namely implosive forces allowing for fusion to take place between and within materials. I HIGHLY recommend the Brown's Gas books by George Wiseman of Eagle Research. Aside from the interplay between the two main gases, there can apparently be varying ratios of expanded, diatomic and mono-atomic hydrogen and oxygen, each with different properties and energy potentials. Maybe if the PURE gases are made, they might have the desired results without needing Ozone. The thing that irks me most on the topic is that A LOT of the good stuff gets taken down. There was a fantastic multi part exploration on the properties of Brown's gas just for Welding by the second water car fella on here, but I haven't been able to find them, only snippets, for a few years now. My favorite of all time though, was a video of bunch of kids who made a miniature lighter out of a mason jar that ran on water and a 9V battery. Apparently took them over 300 attempts but they got it in the end. This is my pre-watch-the-video rant.... one sec....

So Cool!

And an Easy way to fix the Ozone hole (which is still healing, I hear) but the catch would be getting it up there. There is ground Ozone, but the really high up stuff might need to be made while flying near. Nice side gig for Satellites maybe?

Also makes me wonder though, about the different gases already being made and energy states they might be in. If the ratio between H and O are off by more than 5% it can be explosive instead of implosive, which is how the welders are able to achieve such crazy feats. Ionizing O2 into O3 could already affect that balance. What happens to Hydrogen when it gets ionized? H3? How to tell it's proper HHO and not just a soup of H and O? Getting the gases excited enough to become monoatomic while keeping the bond between H and O is how they SNAP back together when ignited, I thought. O2 FOOFS and H2 POPS but HHO collapses in an even sharper sounding SNAP.

wwooooo weeee! epic info @ecoknowme !

Enjoy! @apollomission ! One stop shopping hehe ... thanks for the comment!

Your so welcome my friend.

There's a lot of information in this post. I've watched two videos so far. There's a lot of wastewater everywhere but a shortage of potable water. By the looks of it wastewater can work for this application.

xogen is the one you're looking for @saiku ! Take your time, it is worth it. This is a decade of research I tried to remember, first 3 years I didn't realize there were many names for the same thing. Hope this helps reduce the time looking for information so others can start learning about it too. Cheers @ecoknowme

Thanks, will watch the rest of the vids when I actually have a moment to focus. It's a very interesting concept providing how expensive gas is and the popularity of smaller and lighter cars.

The cars would not have to be smaller, it could work with existing technologies by the looks of it... maybe a little tweeking, but not like having to buy a new electric vehicle altogether.

oops, I missed that you already included this video!

Delighted you too felt it was important to include!!! you can see their latest video and a link to the company website as well listed here!! thanks @davyoneness! Birds of a feather..... @ecoknowme

All very great info and this actually clarifies much more than what we were discussing in person, thanks for the info brother :)
I for sure need to get my wife doing this!

Yeah man, anybody working with gas or solder should totally get in on this. the ER50 is the one I would suggest. I Just think it could be cool to use the chips/blemishes/imperfections of a stone as ATTACHMENT points for Fusing metal into it directly. or even fuse two stones together directly I bet! Wabi Sabi

You're right, there's just so much more happening than what they feed us in school.

Hoping this will provide a counterbalance, for consideration.

I think you're off to a great start with this. I'm extremely open minded, think almost everything taught in school is fodder master minded by the illuminati