Big Results With Simple Exercises

in #science6 years ago

Researchers have frequently suggested that staying active is important if we want to try and stay mentally sharp as we age.

And plenty of study has been conducted on the relationship between exercise and health. Some studies have concluded that exercise might even be more important than diet, and could possibly outweigh negative health effects that might come from obesity, for example. Other studies have found that a lifetime of exercising regularly might even help to promote longevity and slow down aging.

Whether it's low intensity exercise, moderate, or adherence to a more rigorous schedule, plenty of studies have suggested that there are many health benefits to be reaped from staying active.

This could include something like walking, swimming, biking, doing common chores at home, resistance training, or yoga.

Even if you have spent many decades living a sedentary lifestyle, just watching television on the couch and not moving much, health advocates insist that it's never too late to turn it around. One previous study from the Karolinska Institutet found that adults who replaced just half an hour of their sedentary living in one day could possibly lower their risk of cardiovascular disease by 20 percent or more.

Aside from promoting longevity and possibly helping to keep you mentally sharp, some studies have also found that staying active regularly can help to reduce anxiety, depression, and might help promote happiness and overall positive mental health. However, they did note that the frequency of the physical activity and the volume were essential factors to consider.

Scientists have recently suggested that our body chemistry can be altered at a cellular level when we are living a sedentary lifestyle, when we're bed-ridden or unable to engage in load-bearing exercises. These weight-bearing exercises are believed to help send signals to the brain that are detrimental to the production of healthy neural cells and so when someone cannot engage in these activities, researchers say that their nervous system is going to be severely impacted.

You might find that you just don't have any time to get more physically active in your life but there are always ways that we can try to be a little more active than we are currently.

One previous study from the Duke University Medical Center found that whether the exercise was sustained or sporadic that it brought along with it notable health benefits. Scientists have affirmed that all physical activity, even if it's only done in short bursts, could bring health benefits and possible reduce the risk of disease and death.

Another recent study was conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School and it included a review of a great deal of available research on the topic between physical activity and cognition. They found that pretty much any sort of exercise could possibly help to boost your brain power by improving thinking skills and cognition. They say that they started to see improvements after participants spent about 52 hours in 6 months engaging in physical activity regularly.

It might vary a little from person to person, they admit, but they in general they saw that around 52 hours was when they could start to see benefits being reaped from that effort. They also noted that the benefits would accumulate over a long time and despite previous studies saying that the frequency doesn't matter, researchers with this study suggested that shorter and more intense sessions might not provide as much benefit as engaging in a routine over a long period of time could.

For those who have spent a great deal of their life living a sedentary lifestyle, they might be comforted to know that researchers and health advocates have suggested that they don't need to accept defeat. Because it's never too late to start making moves to go in a different direction and trying to live a more active lifestyle.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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From what I've read, I would like to include more walking into my exercise routine. Great for overall health, helps tone the legs and body really, and great for clearing the mind. Thanks for the post.

it makes me thinking about starting to exercise even for just half an hour a day.

I like the practice of martial arts kata on a daily basis, it releases stress, cleanses the body and you can pretend to be beating the stuffola out of whoever tried to stress you the day before.

Thanks for sharing and encouraging us... it makes me thinking about starting to exercise even for just half an hour a day.

Common factors of centurians include physical and mental exercise. Perhaps that is what keeps them thin and living longer. Thanks @doitvoluntarily

Centurion? As in one of the old roman soldiers?


I walked 15 minutes today to clear my mind and feel better physically.

Your article make sense.

This is the main reason I love to exercise especially out in nature.
It really does wake you up and helps you concentrate and be way more productive throughout the day.
It not only gives me energy, but it helps my brain be sharper.

Thank you so much for sharing these studies with us.

Starting with mundane tasks like taking walks and taking stairs are a great start for people who really have trouble getting into it.

Avoiding to sit at any opportunity also helps.

Really awesome work from you,your post is so simple and most effective.

That's a great post..your post is really effective for,thanks sharing this post..

Asi es evitemos el sedentarismo y nuestro cuerpo seguro nos lo agradecerá mas adelante @doitvoluntarily

Very informative and I do strongly agree the older we get the more important. I find when I get out for a long run, my brain can wonder and it feels like it is resetting. There’s been research related to exercise and Alzheimer’s. Bit more importantly, I’m interested in how it relates to what you’re doing? :)