Is climate change a hoax?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Some of my followers believe climate change is a hoax.

I wish it was, unfortunately it isn't... Many populations are in pain for devastating climate change, for high record temperature and extreme weather..

So, if do you think it's a hoax, please think twice ... and look at real data about temperature monitoring and CO2 levels..

For those who are skeptics, some data :

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@crypto24hr thank you for upVote - please reSteem

Please upvote some of my posts

just doing it already. Thank you

that Indepdent article you linked to says that :Ironically, the famously impassable Northwest Passage – which claimed the lives of numerous explorers trying to find a new trade route to China – is now so free of ice that people can take a cruise through it on a ship powered by the fossil fuels that help cause global warming." look here Look at the sea ice here you can see that there is more ice now than has been the case in the last 4 years. only 2014 had more ice.
Anyway, the sun is going silent, and that means we'll be getting colder. Maybe we need more CO2?

The global average temperature has gone up by a tenth of a degree in a hundred years but it varies by 25 degrees through out the year where I live. A tenth of a degree? Is that actually meaningful or is that error noise?

Debunking the "hockey stick":

Finally, that German dude writes much better than I would if I put ten hours of research and grammar correction. So here is his. :)

So much FRAUD in the CLIMATE CHANGE COMMUNITY. Follow the money. Nothing to fear. Mankind continues to flourish. #truth #solidcarbonfractionation #themoralcaseforFossilFuels