Homo Floresiensis aka 'Hobbit' is one of the findings of the latest hominid species. Discovered in 2003 by a joint team from Indonesia and Australia in the cave of Liang Bua, Flores, in the form of bones of 9 individuals. The age of this fossil ranged from 95000 to 13 thousand years ago. The team originally intended to track the migration of aboriginal ancestors in Indonesia found a new species at a depth of 9 meters in the cave.
Floresiensis is characterized by a height of only 1 meter, fully bipedal, with a brain volume of 417cc. They have human-like teeth, tend to be low and unlike bones, which characterize other ancient humans other than sapiens. Allegedly floresiensis is a form of stunting from Homo erectus, something common in the places where they live, as the mini elephants that live there. Teuan a number of existing tools and animal bones there indicate floresiensis live by hunting animals there like stegodon and monitor lizard, also giant mouse. Findings like burning bones show they are used to cooking their food. Although there are also allegations that some of the tools found belong to homo sapiens who ever lived there.
The most complete findings are the fossil floresiensis with the LB1 code, which consists of almost intact skulls and other bone fragments such as leg bones, hip bits, hands and feet, and other pieces.

Fossil findings
LB 1-LB 9 (Hobbit), found joint team of Indonesia and ustralia in 2002 in Liabg Bua cave, Flores, Indonesia
LB is the code for Liang Bua

How ugly we were before, good article very lucky.