I believe in multi-universes and worlds as our own where Adam and Eve did not sin and are living in a paradise on earth and there are other worlds that we are not as we are here but different where we all are either poor and fighting for food or on another all rich and have plenty for everyone or we are not evolved enough to have computers or others where we are much more advanced or no illness of any kind or others where illness abounds ...do you get me I believe that Yahweh put us here on this planet to learn to get along and when we die we go to another world to learn a lesson or find nirvana those killed here by the flood are learning a lesson on another planet tell they reach nirvana "New earth and heaven" except the Nephlim who where fallen angels children by human woman that they inpregnated and had the Nephlim who where giants that made us look like 'grasshoppers' compared to their hight and strenghth they built the piramids and stone hinge, easter island, to name a few for they could lift tons of weight compared to our scrony 100's of pounds...I believe our "new heaven and earth" will be after we all die and Yahweh burns up this earth and replenishes it then we will have a new body and live on paradise earth...or maybe this is a learning ground and all who die in Messiah will see a new earth with Adam and Eve on the other world and has forgotten our past life and live forever somewhere sometime soon after this learning ground...hum I really don't know but I ponder...2.0 people 3.0 people etc upon other earth in separate reality...hum what do you think???
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