The future is just a guess of a bunch of futurists, scientists and specialists. But who to believe, if not to them? The city's crazy? To politicians? Predictions of Vanga? That's the thing: there is no choice. However, some predictions look, to put it mildly, strange - we want to tell about them. What is there to do? Life in general is a strange thing!
You can communicate with deceased relatives
According to the notorious futurist Ray Kurzweil, it is possible. Thoughts on death and eternal life do not let go of a person, and this is reflected even in technology. Alas, it is impossible to make people immortal, but they can be digitized - create a virtual reality where there will be programmed avatars of our deceased relatives who will look like alive, communicate with us like the ghost of Obi-Wan. All that is needed for this is as much information about the deceased as possible and patience.
There is only one question: is it necessary to once again take heart, communicating with someone who does not? After all, this is not a living person, but a projection that can not be embraced and which, by and large, is artificial. And the realization of this sooner or later will come. So after all, you can go crazy, up to the desire to commit suicide in order to be closer to the mirage.
Your kitchen will take care of your own food
Soon another excuse to leave the room will disappear. We just have to wait for Amazon to arrange the delivery of products with the help of drones directly to the kitchen. And you do not have to poke your fingers in the buttons or ring the phone - everything will make a smart refrigerator, which itself will send out notices about missing products. So in the future, do not be surprised where all the money disappears: they were wasted by a refrigerator that decided that without ram's carcass and 17 kg of potatoes you can not do. Now, if these refrigerators themselves earned money and threw away the missing food, they would not have had the prices.
You can browse the web with your contact lenses
A group of Samsung engineers is developing contact lenses that will allow you to go online. To do this, they shoved a light-emitting diode, high-tech graphite and silver nanowires into a tiny lens and, judging by rumors, already tested them. They are guided by the movement of the eyes. The main thing is not to include them behind the wheel, otherwise the untimely vidosik from YouTube will be the last thing you saw.
We will share our thoughts
According to futurists and experts in the field of the brain, there is no doubt that this will become possible in the foreseeable future. Everything is simple: thoughts and impulses are translated into data that can be stored in the cloud, and, in which case, it can be forwarded to friends. And that, it is convenient! After all, usually brilliant thoughts disappear irrevocably, but here they can be carefully preserved. Just keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, because any cloud can be hacked. How will you look people in the eyes after they are made public?
Mars will have rings, like Saturn's
The only thing that makes Saturn any interesting is its rings. But, as astrophysicists say, he does not have long to appear in circles. Some 20-40 million years, and the same beauty will appear in Mars. No, this is not another project by Ilona Mask. Scientists have long noticed that the satellites of the Red Planet - Deimos and Phobos - are getting closer and closer to the surface of Mars every year. And at one point the force of attraction will tear the unfortunate satellites into small debris. Well and where to disappear to this wreckage? They will enter the orbit of the planet and form a near-Saturnian landscape.
The revived "Jurassic Park"
Thanks to the achievements in the technology of cloning and biogenetics, we can personally enjoy the greatness of mammoths, megalodons and the vile importunity of the raptors. Well, that they are without the navel, but alive! It will come to the point that geneticists will "resurrect" Neanderthals and animals, which were mercilessly exterminated several centuries ago. Why is this necessary? Yes, simply because genetics can do it - there are no other reasons. Are not you interested in seeing the real "Yurasik Park", and not the fruit of Spielberg's imagination?
CGI completely replaces the actors
Why do you need an actor if you can create your own, ideal? He does not need to pay a lot of money, because he will exist entirely and completely in the digital space. You will not need to build scenery and look for extras: all you can create in special editors and give the necessary features - almost like in the Pelevinsky "Generation P". But actors are still too early to worry about their jobs. This technology will not soon become popular and in demand.
AI will replace artists
If you believe Ray Kurzweil - a man whose predictions come true with a probability of up to 90%, soon computers will be able to draw, write, compose and create better than the most ingenious of people. Apparently, we should expect a large number of suicides among unclaimed creative natures.
We will eat food grown on the swamp
According to some far-sighted minds from the food industry, we will soon have things made from algae. Yes, from that thick mucus that floats on the surface of the water. Apparently, thanks to fragrances and taste substitutes, we even will not have a clue that just a few days ago it was an ordinary marsh mud.
Mirrors of bathrooms will check us every morning
If you want to know the state of your skin, weight and age, you look in the mirror. According to the British technology company Futurizon, soon every citizen of the Earth will have a bathroom with mirrors, in which LED displays and cameras with high resolution are built in. You can track the changes, and the data will be passed on to the treating doctor. Naturally, the mirror, like other modern gadgets, will be connected to the Internet.
Future aircraft will be with panoramic windows
The problem of portholes is not even that they suck and kill people - it's more like an exception to the rules. But the fact that not everyone can see the heavenly beauties from the porthole is a fact. The more valuable is the place by the window. After all, what is the most pleasant thing during the flight? No, not food and not even a quiet neighbor. The most pleasant is a kind: boundless plains, the rivers and the cities burning with an electric light. Everything seems so small and fussy. Therefore, the company "Spike Aerospace" develops aircraft with panoramic windows. However, do not think that it will be a traditional kind of portholes, for the manufacture of which glass, plastic and rubber seals are used. The portholes will be virtual, but that's no less impressive. So even better and more beautiful.
Every step you take is under the supervision of a dust-spy
Recently, the Californian professor Chris Pister showed the world the concept of "clever dust" - tiny sensors that are invisible to the human eye, which can record and transmit any information. Although this technology was not mentioned before, evil tongues began to say that it is by no means new and has been used by intelligence for many years. After all, as is known, most of the technologies are first developed for military needs, and then, after sufficient study and use, passes into the grasping hands of civilians. I am glad that now this dust will not be a secret for us.
Nanorobots in the blood can protect you from disease
A little uncomfortable with the realization that inside you are scurrying robots that can be hacked. But on the other hand, they are much more effective to protect you from diseases than your own unsuccessful immunity. However, robots have far more questions than answers. For example, where will your health information be stored? After all, in fact, if you want, you can recognize you, so to speak, from the inside, in the smallest detail, up to a genetic predisposition to specific diseases. Fortunately, all this will not happen until 2030, so there is still time to figure out the level of confidentiality and ethical consequences of this technology.
Antibiotics will stop working
For decades, we have become accustomed to antibiotics precisely so that they stop working. Alas, the era of resistance to antimicrobials ends, which can lead to a very real morale among patients. Presumably, this will happen in the 2050s, so that all hope for medicine, otherwise our future is sad.
The asteroid will fly, but not soon
Someday this should happen, as millions of people almost anticipate this event. Therefore, NASA decided to reassure all those who hope for a collision of the Earth with Nibiru or asteroids. Presumably, this will happen on March 16, 2880. This prediction has the greatest chance of coming true - a whole 1%. Yes, yes, with a probability of 99%, humanity will again avoid the fate of ancestral dinosaurs.
We will have access to knowledge of the whole world
If you think that you have access to any information, then let me disappoint you. Not all data is posted on the Web. According to Google, they plan to make all the world's information publicly available. Presumably, it will take at least 300 years. Another question, but is it necessary? After all, we do not use data from the Internet in full, spending time searching for porn and cheap goods.
Fully functional robots
We, with bated breath, are still waiting for the robots that we see on the big screen. According to experts, AI is much more a problem than expected. However, what we will see in the near future is a transhuman. We will soon begin replacing parts of ourselves with machines and genetically altered parts of the body. And soon we will face a struggle between the higher people, whom we created, and people without supplements.
Brain prosthesis
For the first time about neural prostheses it became known in 2005 year. It is important to understand that this is not a brain substitute, but a sort of hard disk for storing memory, as well as a kind of patches capable of repairing damage in the brain and improving its activity. They will take decades to develop, but someday people will be able to bring their minds closer to the level of the computer.
Smart tablets will be able to detect health hazards
In 2014, Google X's laboratory announced that they are working on microscopic tablets that will circulate by blood and detect cancer and heart disease long before they become dangerous. And this is an excellent alternative to physical exams, which no one ever goes to. Diseases are usually remembered when they are already blooming with violent color and can not be avoided without serious interference. And so there is a hope that the disease will not go unnoticed.
We still have to leave the Earth
Still, Stephen Hawking said that the planet is doomed and we will have to look for a new haven. Due to such unpleasant things as climate change, epidemics, population growth and natural disasters, life will become unbearable. In addition, the unfortunate 1% percentage of threatening asteroid does not give rest.

There are so many suggestions about how our future will look like. People will browse the web only wearing their contact lenses, we will be able to share our thoughts with a neural link, Mars will have rings like Saturn inhabited by humans and AI will replace humans in creative work etc. One thing that is firmly under way that is important not to ignore is how e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is getting tokenized and put on a blockchain. This is why we are interested in cryptocurrency at Blockbasis. On our platform on [] ( we can assure everyone that their cryptocurrency is safe making it easy to transact using just an email.