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RE: Free Money For Someone Else's Work - The Scandal of Journals Behind Paywalls

in #science8 years ago

I just find it disturbing that governments PAY people to write whitepapers to bury the truth and obfuscate the FACTS and bury it all - we know nearly nobody will pick up on this stuff and do the research.

If you ever get bored LOL - just google my name and fluoride and you can see stuff that someone you know has done with the issue.

I've worked on lots of issues, this is just one of them. One of the videos out is in multiple places now - of me front row in a public lecture with Dr. Paul Connett of the FAN -- Fluoride Action Network

... he's one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject and nobody wants to debate him LOL. That website and his book lay out everything simply and effectively.

I took a car full of activists from my city and worked with the Fluoride Free Toronto group a bit and I shot this video to be logged as a public resource, that is why I took my camera man and editor with me that day.


I think fluoride is just one of the issues. Just think of all the compounds that modern manufacturing creates and nobody has every even investigated! It is too scary to think about what they are doing. May well be the reason for declining fertility, metabolic diseases and God knows what!

You are spot on.

I am super aware of all the crap in the water as you are saying. You nailed it big time there. I hope some people read that comment by you.