in #science8 years ago (edited)

 This video shows what your "elected" official and scientists in there pockets are doing to us and our home. Look at the skies and you will see it. You cant deny it if you ever look up. Why is there such an interests to colonize mars all of a sudden? Every body is upset and angry about the wrong things. Women's rights, black lives, whatever else you might protest for, they are all irrelevant individually. Together they are all the same in that they want to live without fear and discrimination. Together against the real problem things could change. If everybody wants to stay sleeping and keep there heads buried in the sand hoping everything is going to be ok when you pull your head out of the hole where the sun dont shine Your mistaken. Do we really want to be the modern civilization that made earth uninhabitable. Remember were not the first advanced civilization in history. The greeks, the romans, they were both great and they fell. Obviously life went on. If we don't as humans and inhabitants of this planet/ flat plane/ dimension/ or what ever you want to call earth, stand up and start making our voices heard and calling there bullshit, no right or life will matter or exist except the ones that could afford to move to mars. Take to the streets and tell them to stop destroying our home nationalities, religions, political party affiliation, sports teams, all of these things are ways to divide us. but we are all the same and have the most important thing in common. We are all living together in this moment of time. Everybody is entitled to there own opinions and beliefs no ones is better than any others and its wrong for people to try and force there beliefs onto other people almost everybody will agree when you see the two mormon guys riding there bikes coming your way you turn the other way. so if we hate being force fed beliefs, Why do we let politicians do it to us year after year every day of our lives? Why do we let them force us to live ny there beliefs and opinions. Evidence is mounting that they haven' had what would be in our best interest in a long time. Since John F Kennedy. If you got friends i the air force wake them up refuse to be in any of these planes. I respect the military for there dedication and loyalty also there drive to give there life to protect the people of there nation. Its time to realise though that one country is not better than another and the real enemy is the ones the one destroying the world. The Eco terrorist on every front. Take a new oath to protect human life not a piece of paper. I mean no disrespect its just the constitution has been demolished and irrelevant when it comes the the problem that is global. And for all the trolls that wants to make a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist joke let me stop you right now cause if you do any research at all you would realise how bad aluminum is for you so i wouldn't be caught dead wearing it on my head and its not a conspiracy when there is proof. I Love you all even you that person that mad dogged me in the parking lot for blocking your path as i backed in. Lets spread the true wealth and abundance lets make earth beautiful full of life again. Love not hate #theonlythingthatmatters
#humanlivesmatter #Humanrights #stopkillingher 

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If you use the geoengineering tag you might get some more interest.

Thanks for posting such an interesting article. Good, information and thought worthy.

"scientists in their pocket" such hogwash.

Its not hogwash people are bought all the time. Expert witnesses in court cases are bought by lawyers. Just because your experienced enough to be an expert doesn't mean your ethical. Why would you get scientist that disagree with you and your motives im sure there are plenty of scientist that can see the damage being done from what controlling the weather does, but your not going to hear about then from the government or on main stream media. The scientists that you hear from are the ones in the pocket. I know not all scientists are

I'm sure there are people who are bought but they are the minority, the vast minority. Your talking about this like it's a pervasive issue but it just isn't. So I say hogwash.

It's not non-existent, as it's impossible that it isn't. Still it's very minimal.

there are only a few that are in pocket but those are the ones that we hear from. the scientists aren't the culprits or the issue. The issue is were killing the planet and it needs to stop.

The ones people hear from are journalists interpretation of the work. We aren't killing the planet, however we seemingly are moving the conditions to a point that will make our current way of life more difficult. It's not the planet people are worried about it's feeding humanity. And maintaining liveable space, and keeping animal and plant populations thriving as the current subset are conducive to the human population.

Humans are also not the only component of climate change, the earth is warming due to a variety of factors. We are one of them though as the data fairly conclusively shows.

the video was about HARP and weather modification with chemtrails. Spraying aluiminum in the sky is not helping anything. Its killing everything watch the video .