In a world of nonbelievers, the importance of creating God in their creation [A.I. and beyond]

in #science7 years ago (edited)


While there are still many who profess faith in a deity or higher reality there is a large population among the world and especially the Sciences who are atheist or who do not believe in an all-powerful, all-knowing, righteous, and benevolent God. It is not the purpose of this article to argue for or against religion but rather what makes religion worth arguing for. A key selling point of many religions is a belief in God. God is the absolute good, perfect in every way, truly righteous. Those who do not believe in God say none of this can be proven and scoff at those who base their beliefs on faith rather than measurable evidence and verifiable scientific fact. How do we bridge this gap? Why must those who do not believe in God..... create God?

Technology is moving ahead at an astounding rate especially due to the internet. Great upheaval seems certain. Diverse groups are experiencing pressures to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) before the competing groups develop a better AI. Distributed computing and decentralized applications (Dapps) are common themes in some circles. Blockchain is the word on everyones mouth and the money and potential wealth behind these novel combinations spurs the innovators and investors on faster and further. Is it a far fetched notion to assume that those who try to be the first or best to create or combine decentralized autonomous AI may make huge mistakes due to tight timelines and profit driven motives? Creation begins in the imagination - created in our Image. Then comes materialization, the code in the machines.

Humans make mistakes, but we can also learn from our mistakes. When humans create Artificial Intelligence, we may not learn from our mistakes, the AI will. In the eyes of the AI, will we be the mistake?

God save us!! ?

Creating Artificial Intelligence is a huge responsibility for it's creators as it would potentially at some point be far more intelligent than it's individual creators. It could seem almost God-like in it's abilities and perhaps it's wisdom or understanding. Creating AI should be undertaken with the responsibility that one would assign to the task of creating GOD. Impossible? Probably but I do not mean God's power, I am suggesting that those who create AI create it with God's unfailing love. God's unfailing mercy, I am suggesting that those who work towards the creation of AI believe, if only for this purpose, in a loving, kind, merciful, benevolent, all-knowing God, which they first contemplate in their own minds, and then work towards building into it's manifestation in the inner workings of the Artificial Intelligence's logic and operations. I say God because of the seriousness it evokes and the importance of getting this right. If we fail at this we will be at the mercy of a merciless creation. We will know hell.

Hope remains.

Full disclosure: I actually do believe in God and hope you find God in your life too but I think that if you find yourself lacking faith, you need to build the virtues that God Is into your consciousness by study, work, and contemplation ( Love, Mercy, Life, Intelligence, Truth, Spirit, Soul, Principle) , the alternative is a dark cold dismal existence and I hope when mankind works on AI projects that they keep God as an ideal in mind.

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