How to find out if you've been Hacked.

in #school7 years ago (edited)


Have you even gave a single thought about what kind of programming you have received, why you were programmed a certain way and what your core code is still programming you for?
Ask for permission to go to the bathroom, raise your hand, and don't speak unless spoken to. "Respect me because i am your superior".
Have you ever thought like so many great minds before you about a very simple question. What the hell is Government education camps for?!
I don't think anyone is really asking this question or even thinking about it. Its like you all seem to think you know what the hell its all for.
Ain't shit will change though until we all can come to a consensus about how the hell did we end up where we are now and only then might we figure out where we are going.
If all you get from reading this well written manifesto is a moment to think about that simple question. Than id have lived.

"LISTEN TO ME Kids! you must OBEY AND RESPECT My Authoritah"!
Cause if you don't....
Growing up, i went to allot of different kinds of programming facilities.
I can never forget getting my hands Smacked by a ruler, administrated by the "principle/pastor" ..(o, yeah I've been to one of those camps too).
What was the reason?
I had a different style of writing, they saw it as sloppy and not following the lines.
I became numb to the world around me and to pain. Emotional, and physical. I was a product of an abusive society. A little punching bag to assert their control over....
I don't blame you or them. After all we all are a product of standardized testing, and the industrial revolution. Of coarse you'd be fucked up after all that.

-Lambs to the slaughter, throw your bodies on the gears.-
So lets break all this down a bit more.
The industrial Revelation brought us enormous wealth, but with that came a price.
With the invention of the assembly line came the need for more workers.
Can you guess where this is going?
The only fucks they gave was to line their own damn pockets with money that came from your own self enslavement.
Call it "The big Duping".
We'd been had. "Merry Christmas and happy fucking New Year".
Cattle is what you were seen as. Get out of line, you get the prod.
No need to Brand you with Iron, you branded yourself with your "My Cage is bigger and better than yours" attitude.
Don't fit in, no worries, your interchangeable.
Get this, the biggest worry for them was that you wouldn't BUY their shit.
Please tell me wtf is normal?!
Ha, what a waste of our time and life.
And for those of you who are going to College right now for something like..hmm idk say, "Foreign Language" and your having to take credits for shit you'll never use like, Algebra? hahah You poor stupid fuck.

Work vs Passion
Work is something you want to do less of, Passion is something you want to do more of. Get paid to do what you love because only an idiot does work.
If you are that idiot reading right now...its fear that holds you back.
Trust me, you arn't living unless you let go.
You've learned that fear and control from your programmers, but you are capable...(unless you really are an idiot) of being able to reprogram yourself.
There isn't a dummies guide for how to do this, just as there isn't a dummies guide to stop smoking. You just stop and start.
Life is full of choices and there isn't any right or wrong in either of those choices. there is just reality and facts and how you react to the choices you have in front of you.
Fear of being wrong is what THEY programmed inside each one of us.
There is a paradigm shift coming....
The internet has freed us all from our jailers, But something this good has a price too. Today it seems because of that fear of getting it wrong that we learned from the camps, we cling to the internet and spend hours downloading program after program of useless information. All the while we watch the world crumble before our eyes.
They wish to control us, but that control can only be given to them if we allow it.
We create our own boundaries and prisons.

Be Fearless Crypto Kitties