So this is how I finished the rest of my day after school.

in #school7 years ago

Q5:Explain the changing role of women in colonial society through the post-Revolution era. What roles did they play? (pgs 32-133, 159-160)
Pre-revolution the woman’s job was to give birth and take care of the children, during the period in which Colonists boycotted British manufactured goods, women provided clothing and other manufactured goods.Strengthening the position women had to the society, during the revolution the Men were sent out to fight, leaving the women to take care of the home, with an ideal called republican motherhood, which would slowly shape the idea of women into an individual.

Q7: ​To what extent were the Articles of Confederation a success? (pgs 160-169)

A: The Articles of Confederation were heavily flawed, they didn’t have a judicial, nor executive branch of government; Laws could not be easily determined by the states, with a 2/3rd majority needing to be passed to input any sort of legislation in every state. Congress had a miniscule amount of power, and The Federal Government had an even smaller amount of power within the states and focused mainly on the international side of America, but since the Federal Government could not directly claim taxes from the states, the Federal Government could only ask for money, which states were not obligated to give, forcing the Government to borrow money in from other nations in times of need, and getting money in times of urgency was proven difficult by Shay’s Rebellion were States did not give the money needed by the Federal Government because it wasn’t their problem. The economic system was a mess; States had their own separate currency making trading between states complicated. The only success of the Articles of Confederation was the rules on land reform; The Articles of Confederation allowed pioneers and those seeking land ownership. To purchase land westward, increasing the territory of the U.S and strengthening the U.S as a whole.

Q8:What debates dominated the Philadelphia Convention? How did the delegates use compromise to overcome some arguments?What two political factions developed during and after the Convention in relation to the new Constitution? List and explain (pgs 169-178)

Debates: The debates held at the Philadelphia Convention

1: Virginia had a plan for Congress; Congress would consist of two houses, and in the two houses of delegates would be represented by how many people are in the certain state that they are representing..

2New Jersey’s delegates didn’t like Virginia's plan, because they were a much smaller state,had far less people, and would be weaker in Virginia's proposed congress so they brought out their counter plan; delegates would be represented solely by the state, in a one house Congress.

3 At that time in 1787, Slaves were not people they were livestock, but the Southern delegates wanted them to count as people for this occasion, not wanting to be deprived of power the South wanted to count as a person, giving southern States more power in The House of Representatives. The Northern delegates went against it because they would be put at a disadvantage.

Compromise: Both sides would get a bit of what they both wanted to make the proposal mutually beneficial

Compromise to Debate 1 and 2:Virginia’s and New Jersey's plan met with compromise in what's known as The Great Compromise both states got what they wanted in a bicameral Congress, every state was represented equally by two delegates in the Senate mostly benefitting smaller states, and The House of Representatives, giving more delegates to states with a larger population thus benefitting.

Compromise to Debate 3: Both sides got more or less than half of what they wanted, The ⅗’s compromise was developed, making a slave ⅗’s of a person, still benefitting the southern states more than the northern.

Arising Political Parties: With the creation of the United States Constitution, two political parties were born, the Federalists and the anti-Federalists. The Federalists were for the the U.S Constitution and a Federal Government that held more power than the States. The anti-Federalists were against the new rules for a powerful Federal Government. With the creation of both political parties, they would be spiral into even further separation of their political stance and beliefs, through propaganda by one party against the other, such as The Federalist paper, and with the influence of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, and the morph from anti-Federalists to Democratic-Republicans.

Q9:Compare and Contrast the ideas of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton during the 1790s. (182-188)

Q10:Discuss the significance of European affairs on America during the 1790s (pgs 182-202)
How did they help define America's foreign policy? Refer to as many examples as necessary
How did they help shape America’s domestic policy? Refer to as many examples necessary.

Answer to part a: America’s foreign policy was heavily influenced by the history, and current affairs of Europe, America’s goal was to not focus on the nations of Europe and focus on improving themselves shown by the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793., while keeping trade with the nation's, and to avoid war with them at any means necessary. American foreign policy was heavily influenced by the history, and current affairs of Europe, mainly Britain, The U.S whom have been advised by Washington in his Farewell Address to try to be very unlike Europe in that regard, but with being separate from the world a sense of nationalism and can make the U.S overlook and loathe​ those born or loving of other nations, shown by the passage of the Aliens Act. which imprisoned and deported those from other countries.

Answer to part b:Most of Europe consisted of Monarchies, which again from part a, America in that regard, attempted to be not like Europe. Their government was a republic having democracy, rather than having only the elite, America would no longer exclude the masses of citizens from deciding the country’s future.

This took me 4 hours, than I got to do an hour of league, and then I went to bed. Not the most exiding thing