Is College A SCAM?

in #school9 years ago

Go to college and you'll get a good job, that is what we are told, but is it the truth? Millions of students graduate every year with a variety of different degrees and an increasing number of them cannot seem to find work. Was going to college a good decision for them? Some of them graduate and they end-up getting a job that earns them something that they could've easily earned for themselves regardless of the formal education.

But there are many reasons why someone might want to go to college, whether for the experience or chance to play professional sports, meet new people, or travel and live in a new place in the world, but is college for everyone? Could many people perhaps be much better off if they instead made the decision to go to work rather than load themselves with tens of thousands in debt?

I have heard the lie many times that you cannot be successful if you don't go to college and also that you cannot become successful if you are ever a college dropout. Of course, many successful people have proved that not to be the case. For example, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, are just a few of the people whose lives turned out okay despite them dropping out.

There are many wealthy people in the world who were able to construct a life for themselves without having to go through the post-secondary education experience. Not everyone is going to benefit from doing so and in fact many people will be much worse off when they are finished, saddled with worthless degrees and seemingly inescapable debt.

Students invest a lot of time and energy into school but for many it's possible that they could have a much brighter future if they invested that time and energy elsewhere; perhaps in starting their own business?

Outstanding student loan debt for students in the USA right now stands around $1 Trillion. And it's fair to say that they aren't doing so well considering a growing number of young adults continue to live at home.



College got me no where. If only the internet was like this in the early 90's. So much you can learn these days. Good thing I'm learning now!

don't many have a similar tale? for sure!

I would like to see a return of Apprenticeship programs. Invest some of the capital that is being used for business for internal training so new employees will learn to do the job how the employer would like to see it performed.

The current standard is for those who hire employees to let taxpayers foot the bill through state-subsidized college education. This creates inefficiencies in both the employment and educational market as a "well-rounded" education is not a prerequisite for the completion of tasks required in most occupations. Also, a greater demand for education is created, without a commensurate benefit for those being educated having been shown, leading to an increase in the price of tuition.

that's an interesting thought! thanks for sharing damascus! ^_^

You can take it as a given that anytime the government get's involved it's going to cost more and not work as well. Eventually the government will keep fixing it until it doesn't work at all. Then the company will go OUT of business.

College is only worth it if you get a degree in something that's hard like computer science or engineering.

yes i think if you want a career that requires some sort of formal education then you are obv going to benefit most! .. if you can find a job afterward that is ^_^

I think that college should be something people really enjoy in learning and making friends. Besides, peers whom you met may very well be your collaborators in future. In short, the network.

it is a great place to make some connections and meet new peers indeed!, but there are also plenty of other places out in the world that folks can do that for sure!

thanks for your input coinbit! ~~ :D

Yeah it is.
College is pretty much a scam unless you take a serious degree that is in demand when you graduate and can pay some serious money to pay off your serious student debt.

I don't think Gender Studies qualifies.

My view on this is that we are currently living in the Information Age. No school can teach me what I can learn myself. Also, couple that with the obvious fact that there is no progression with regards to methods and practices, for example, the medical and financial teachings have not changed in over 70 years. The first doctor to suggest that surgeons should wear gloves was called a qwack. Dr Burzynski is currently on trial for not using text book medical procedure, and for treating willing patients with alternative medicines and treatments, successfully.
Our financial system is in ruins, and they admit as much, yet they are still teaching the same fundamentals of a debt based economy.
College is a tool. You don't have to use it like we did before. The system is changing, college isn't. And I can guarantee you that college is not worth the life long debt students are burdened to for the rest of their lives.

College is definitely one way to meet goals in life, but more and more it's turning out to be a horrendously expensive way. Therefore, people graduating from high school now need to carefully consider all available options, not just assume that they will go to college. If they do go the college route, they need to carefully consider how they will pay for it, not just take out a loan. There are lots of scholarships available, and it's also a good idea to get an associate's degree in a practical trade first. Then you can work your way through doing a higher paying job, and you have something to fall back on in case your degree doesn't quite work out for you.

The state has not merely the monopoly of violence (Max Weber), but also of the "accredititation of educated qualification": Ernest Gellner. Perhaps you could have given this the #anarchy tag as well.

it is deeper than that. 'Education' itself is a total utter failure!!!

I could give you many many examples why, but these two are very good examples:
Are you aware that there is a so-called 'war on drugs'? This war has been brought to be by people who have had top educations. Presidents, and leaders of other countries, and the ones who are in positions of power, and who support this whole sorry system push this war on drugs. And what does it do? Well one big thing is it of COURSE creates a criminal underworld where people who have been marginalized, yet tempted by materialistic possession, find themselves choosing either the humiliation of poverty or knowing they can earn thousands of pounds a day selling drugs. And along with this now has come about the most dangerous gangs who are getting guns, and using them. And an extreme case of this is in Mexico where there have been so many deaths caused by this 'war on drugs'.

Now, question: Are you telling me that people with very expensive education would not have worked out that this would happen?
Yes? No? Whatever the answer it shows that the education system is an absolute failure. That it would not give people common sense not to induce such horrendous realities.

ALSO, nuclear power stations are starting to decay and 'become' very very dangerous This is extremely serious for all life, because radiation is not friendly to DNA!

Question: How come 'highly educated' people would not have known this was going to come about and threaten the whole of life on planet Earth for generations to come?

Do you get exam question like this at college? I fkin BET you don't!!

FCK the 'education' system!!

And btw, the whole causing the youth to become debt-ridden is a deliberate ploy. They have previously done this to whole countries in order to get control over them. This has been documented in the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins.

Thanks for the suggestion! Will definitely be picking up this book.

Oh... And I agree lol. If college is so great, why is every industry in our country besides the tech industry miserably failing? And the tech industry is full of people who actually skipped college.