Culture is a tradition that is applied in the school environment as a characteristic and specificity of schools in the implementation of education. The culture that is applied in schools varies according to the goals to be achieved by the school itself.
The culture that is applied in a school is called school culture. This school culture is usually adapted to the culture in which the school was founded (local wisdom). The adjustment of school culture to regional culture aims to ensure that the educational objectives to be applied by the school can be received by the local community.
Therefore, the application of culture in Indonesia is always adapted to the conditions of custom and religion of the people in the place where it was established. In fact, schools in Indonesia often adopt religious education into their curricula, so they don't go to schools in Indonesia that place Islamic religious education as the basis of their curriculum.
Thus, a culture that is commonly included in the education curriculum in Indonesia is:
- The Culture of Tahfidhul Qur'an
- Sadaqah culture
- greetings culture
- Culture of praying before learning
- Dhuha prayer culture
- Culture of prayer in congregation
- Culture apologizes
- Culture of helping others
- Culture shake hands
- Gotong Royong Culture
The ten cultures mentioned above are made as important concepts in the implementation of education in Indonesia, so that after graduating from school they become people who are able to respect others, and these students will also be appreciated by the people around them.