
in #scarystory7 years ago


With the haste at which I put this down, I doubt if my intellect will ever grant me ascent to this course. Well, who cares about intellect in matters as this? At least not me- no not anymore.

How can you be a player in a game you are not aware of? How can you be a pawn on chessboard you think you were the piece mover? How can you be the bait when you think you are the fisher? How can you be a clown in a circus you thought you were the laughing spectator? How come your intellect is not enough to draw you out of the mire of low men? Avalanche of questions keep streaming down my small mind yet, I can’t fathom any answer to suffice.

Deception!!! Is it an art or a science? Is it learnt or innate? Does it have rules or it is anarchical? Is there any exception to its victims or are we all susceptible? I keep wondering why I am yet to wander at this great issue that has kept mine fingers glued to this note and my mind running to and fro as to have a grasp of what it is. Truth is I have been "whipped” I have been "played”, I was a "pawn” I have been made a caricature of myself, I have been fooled or if you like, I have been deceived.

While I solely depended on my intellect and intuitive acumen, I derailed far from the coast of caution and safety into the abyss of deception. I never knew that some people have fully mastered the art or if you like the science of deception. Slowly, yet consciously, I was allowed to have a free hand, naively thinking I was in charge, I kept telling myself the same lies I had tell myself all these years- I am a genius. It was a war and I took it as a dress rehearsal. I took my time to dispose a combination of my skills and artillery thinking it was a business of showmanship. I watched as I was been watched fooling around only to enjoy the cheers of mockery and ridicule dished out to me. Poor me. I never knew I was in for a shocker.

Like I aforementioned, it was a war, and immediately I had help my opponents in disposing my artilleries, the heat began. While I was flat footed on the ground with movement either forward or backward not an option, the battle line became crisp clear to me. I was still dosing and snoring in the feeling that I was in charge when the ambush was launched. Truth is, they had me. They got me where they wanted me. They kept me where at least they thought I should be, while they happily divide the spoil like it was a conjugal bliss.

As I steadily put this down, I can still clearly hear the rattling of their mouth against each other, the echoes of their whispers still ring deep in my auditory and storage temple. The deep breath taken after each session of passionate French endearing.

Did I say I trust no longer in my intellect? Well, that is left undecided for the now. It is certainly not a case of my total annihilation. No, and it surely not a case where I was dealt with, done and dusted. This is not the case because while they were engrossed in their transient triumph, thinking I was dead, while they were exchanging gestures of mutual, intimate, affectionate and sensual nature, alas! I was only wounded, not dead as they supposed. I still depending on my intellect, laid low, like a spy on espionage, getting the wind of all their strategies and most annoyingly, their intimate gestures. I listened as they moaned lightly, I could still hear the sound caused by the colliding of their tongues. I deliberately took a hibernated mode or if you like a stealth mode so I could be sure my foes were friendly and to my shock and actualization of my expectation, they were.

Everything with a start must have an end, so quietly as though nothing had happen, they left the scene accompanying each other, basking in the euphoria that they had won a flawless victory. Thinking that their treachery and deception was impeccable and would certainly go unnoticed. How wrong they were. To me, this is just the beginning. This is just a chapter in a voluminous book yet to be known.

Time, although I consider it to be a let down on our corporate and individual existence, have proved to me a very vital pipe of cigar in the cold hours of life. Sometimes I wonder, which is more influential a factor to our existence, Time or Life itself. Whichever the case is, one thing remains, and that is that “to him who wants to deceive, there will always be someone to deceive”.

Like I stated before, they may have won the battle, but the war is yet to begin. I always expected a war to ensue, but in my wildest of imaginations, I never could conjure in my heart that it will be of the magnitude I experienced.
“Time will tell” is a statement I have heard from countless number of people. I guess what they mean is “allow it to be tested with the ultimate insult –Time”. Time will always pass by, and as it does, it sweeps away fragments of events that seems to have corrupted the timeline of existence. Life is short, but this victory of my friendly foes were way shorter than life. Events led to events like a well set out plot on an epic play. I watched with glistening eyes as deception begat deceptions. In the End, nobody won. We (I, my conuterparts, the reader of this piece) all suffered from the art itself as we've all deceived ourselves.

word count = 989


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