Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough the last time:
- I am not associated with Mark or his businesses
- He asked me for an interview w.r.t. the said post and I agreed to answer his questions
- We have talked merely about Steem tech and how I see it.
However, I wonder about myself, that I need to justify to whom I talk to against someone that doesn't even bother to publish his real name.
I appreciate all your concerns.
Maybe I shouldn't give interviews and instead do an AMA on Steem :)
@marklyford is a serial scammer and he is using you to legitimize his businesses (aka ripping of people).
hereto protect myself from intimidation tactics like @marklyford did
the only reason I care is because I find it very sad that you lend an obvious scammer your reputation to ride on.
I see no intimidation there at all. I see an OP that made a mistake. I read the reveals and that still seems like a controversy attempt...imo
For some reason I cannot reply to your next message down, not sure why (seems like perhaps there's only so many "levels" you can reply down-to)?
Anyway, my message I wanted to post to your next message down was simply:
Scammers will always appeal to some respected figure to make themselves seem legitimate. He didn't come to me to correct his grammar, however.