Why I Don't Do Affiliate Marketing

in #scam8 years ago (edited)

I have been approached many times to do affiliate marketing for some companies. Many people I know do Amazon affiliate marketing, and I would guess a bunch of you do ICO marketing.

When I get asked to do these affiliate marketing deals, my answer is always: NO.


It's pretty simple. I want to always speak honestly and provide people with information that I have researched independently.

When someone pays you to pimp their product or service, it essentially acts as silencing device. If you choose to work for ICO's that you have not researched on your own to determine whether or not they are a scam, then you are sacrificing your integrity and your reputation.

Reputations are more important than a quick buck.

This brings me to the recent revelation that we have some accounts on Steemit who are promoting a scam ICO. If you haven't read about this new information that reveals the AIOS scam, then please educate yourself:


post that is promoting itThen, the most unsettling thing about this, is that when @adsactly was presented with undeniable evidence that the AIOS ICO is a scam, @adsactly didn't edit his . After seeing that @adsactly has not edited the AIOS promotion post, after 4 days, I decided to flag it and explain why I am doing so.

By deciding not to edit the original post that is promoting the AIOS scam, it makes @adsactly look not very well aligned with integrity. I am still curious to know why he has not done the following two things:

  • Edit the AIOS post and warn people that it is a scam.
  • Remove his upvotes from all AIOS posts.

When you are not aligned with integrity, your reputation suffers. When your reputation suffers, you will not be doing well, as this platform relies heavily on making upvote decisions based on integrity.

If you willingly scam people, and aid in scamming people, you will not have my support and I will educating people non-stop about your actions.

Being paid to do work that you have researched and that you believe in is the right thing to do. Accepting money from ICO's that you have not researched, and which are scams is definitely a sure way to destroy your reputation. Do your research, be very critical and don't waste your valuable energy on projects that seem fishy!

The same can be said for investing in ICO's. Do your research very carefully before you invest in anything.

Educate and share your knowledge.

Thanks to @cryptick for uncovering the AIOS scam.

There are 2 pages

@stellabelle thanks for the "heads-up" on this scam ICO. IMHO, there is nothing worse for the future success of blockchain technology than the fact that fraudsters are also using the same tools to run their bogus scams. It's the nature of "tools" - you can use them to build things or tear them down. Thanks for being a creative force in our community!

I would be very interested to see you do serious research into BitConnect, as it is heavily - maybe even exclusively - built upon affilliate marketers. There is a lot of back-and-forth out there regarding this token. It seems the vast majority of their token transactions are done on their own website. And, last I heard, nobody was able to pull any of their BitCoin back out of it. I have not followed up on it recently. If you have already covered this topic, please share your link with me so I can read what you have to say about BitConnect. It would be greatly appreciated.

Upvoted and Restemmed.

Not to barge in to share irrelevant links (the link is related to your question), nor to toot my own horn (it is original content that I wrote, though); I'd like to share an analysis of BitConnect I did recently.

I'm involved, but not promoting it. I think it's likely to be a scam, what with no white paper for the BCC (BitConnect Coin) token, nor identities of the principals. The short version: as long as BTC keeps going up, they'll keep their doors open because that returns less to users. (I bought in starting with BTC; perhaps others don't -- if they start with dollars, then the "return in dollars" won't be as bad as it is for me.)


Anyone claims that you cant pull btc out of bitconnect is false
and you can buy and sell bitconnect on many exchanges like novaexchange or any others listed here


10 seconds of research and you coulda known this obvious fact but you were so quick to believe lies spread by jealous people who dont get how bitconnect could grow to #13 biggest cryptocurrency at nearly $1 billion dollar marketcap....and a volatility trading bot is too hard to believe ....but see the bitconnect token price increase is where the money comes from and BCC just as worthy of a coin as any other to go up in price....people don't have ANY evidence BCC is a scam....it just games the system, uses bitcoin and BCC price increase to pay dollar payouts! its a decentralized company, dont be upset that they found a great way to grow their own Proof Of Stake blockchain with MLM affiliate marketing to make a lot of money!
those BCC tokens really are bought and sold for that $110+ price across multiple exchanges

bitconnect hasn't scammed anyone that I know of! its very misunderstood but tell me, how does a scam get to #13 on coinmarketcap?

maybe im wrong but BCC would get an award for most elaborate crypto scam ever, maybe scam level rivaling the Federal Reserve! lol XD

no hard feelings good comment, and @libertyteeth is onto something

Here's the way I look at bitconnect. It's more of a risky play vs. a cryptos that have better use case. No one knows exactly how they apply their system to make a profit, but it's certainly quite possibly that they have trading bots that can leverage the volatility. There are big traders in the ES Mini's that sophisticated trading software. This is well known among day traders. So it's not out of the question that they have a legitimate system. If they are borrowing from their investors and making a profit from system trading then sharing a portion of their profit, then they could keep going for a very long time.

I do feel like its more of a high risk, high reward compared to other cryptos. Trading software often does very well in volatile markets, but not so well in sideways markets. So a change in market dynamics could eventually leave people holding the bag. The early adopters have and will make good money. As long as you are aware of that fact, then more power to you. There are people dumping money into complete garbage ICO's compared to Bitconnect.

ya and if people wanna go after BCC why not go after the federal reserve lol now thats a scam!

yes u nailed it

Maybe a better question to ask - and I'd like to get a simple answer to - is this:

If I bought $1,000 of both BitCoin & BitConnect (coins, loans, whatever) and then I waited for 299 days - which one would be the better investment to have made?

Is there anyone out there who has posted an easy answer to this question? @libertyteeth may have answered it in his long article - but I got tired about 1/2-way through the article trying to figure out the answer. Somebody could have just said... what the answer is. I don't have time to research every coin out there - so I tend to just stay clear of the ones which seem to have some controversy and concern surrounding them - like BitConnect. There are plenty of other coins out there doing as well, or better - and they have a better reputation.

You can still pull Bitcoin out of Bitconnect. And you don't need to have affiliates to make money in Bitconnect.

You're so right about this "Reputations are more important than a quick buck"
There's an adage in my local dialect; Igbo; that says that "Ezi aha ka ego" which means: A good name is better than riches

There's nothing but respect for those who speak honest instead of being bought and saying what they want to you say to make the people buy . Props to you for that

i see u all over steemit! glad to see ur success! u will be millionaire next year

Not as much now since I'm a full time college student , full time mom now so I hope to get back to a Steem more . Thank you :D

Yes. Learned this the hard way. You can never be sure if you are a being spoken to as a friend or a "mark" when speaking with folks involved in MLM. I tried it for about two seconds, realized I couldn't do it and still be true to myself, and quit.

Good to know it's a scam, thanks for the heads up.
For me when investing in cryptocurrencies & Icos I consider if it's something I myself actually want to use & do I? It was a big part of the reason I started investing time over here.

I've pondered doing affiliate links & such, but I think it'd have to be for things I've used & truly loved. It sucks when someone just loathes something I adore, that they bought based on my word. (No regrets Sodastream, I still miss you!)

My wife got a sodastream and I love it! We get syrup that's much healthier (Monin's sugarcane cola, and root beer; and Joe's organic raspberry), and mix it to our taste (which is generally less than a normal soda).

Thanks again for your help with my garden! :)

My pleasure, did your squash every rebound? Last I saw it was a little shocky, but I haven't stalked lately.

I'm going to have to keep an eye out for the raspberry & the rootbeer. Those sound amazing! I want to learn to make my own ginger ale concentrate. Mmmm.

My wife got some "ginger beer" but I didn't like it at all; gave it to a friend.

The acorn squash is dead -- however, someone very helpfully told me about a 10% milk solution, which I sprayed yesterday just before a rain, and today it looks much better! The powdery mildew is going away, but now there's some sort of yellow spots on the cucumber leaves, and I think the squash also. I'll take pictures tomorrow.

affiliate marketers build a list priority via a landing page the list is your business its your distribution outlet. on to it affiliate marketers utilize a marketing system that does the selling for them whilst they focus on building the list which is their business.not just one off sales. they build their business with value based marketing system on the front end of their funnel and their product or service/ or opportunity on the back end. the front end provides income multiple streams of income built into the marketing system essential to all professional marketers. you drive your traffic to your landing page to build your list which will take them thru your funnel to your valued based signature page then onto your product on the back end. blessings your way...

yeah, whenever i hear the word, "sales funnel", I usually shut down....
My idea was just to write books and put them into Amazon.....and just pray people buy them....
Marketing continues to just feel a bit sleazy to my sensibilities.

Marketing continues to just feel a bit sleazy to my sensibilities.


For me, the more of a "pitch" something needs, the scammier it is. If something is TRULY amazing, you don't need to sell it, it sells itself.

You can do an affiliate program and get a great reputation

True... If we all can share common value which part is integrity, we will go a long way. No one should encourage scam activities and promoting illegal things.

Lol thanks so much for posting about this.. With ALL the coins we currently have... It's just mind-blowing that in a sea of fantastic options, some shit-coin ICOs will still get traction 😄

That's why I always ask people "What makes (this coin) better than ___, ___, etc? Or what makes it unique?"

😂 It's so funny how sometimes you go to a website for an ICO and it says some generic and in-original shit like "secure Blockchain economic system. Provides encryption in a peer to peer way." Or some equally-vague shit 😄

Keep it up Stella, I like how Real you are with people! In a not-so-distant future, everybody will have no choice but to be Real with eachother 😄❤️♨️

Thanks so much for this educative piece, your decision to downvote him will teach others a lesson to research before supporting.
Talk about affiliate marketing and MLM to an average Nigerian, laughs, we (i inclusive) have been victims repeatedly of affiliate marketing and MLM scams. 2016 marks a year of super-scaming which has never been experienced before. I believe this kind of message should reach africa and Nigeria in particular. We still have people who have not learnt their lessons despite the massive bad experience. I have learnt mine though and this serves as a good reminder for me. Thanks once again @stellabelle

Good decision @stellabelle, I stand with you on that one!

I generally avoid "affiliate stuff" at pretty much all costs... I do have amazon installed on a couple of my blogs; but not the way most people use it-- I only point to very specific items mentioned in the associated blog post.

Long before there was Steemit, or even the Internet, I wrote for the "Entrepreneurial Press" and specifically did a lot of writing about network marketing... and quickly became Persona Non-Grata for calling scams "scams" and burying more than a few get rich quick schemes with my pretty direct analyses.

Experience tells me that there is-- most of the time-- a direct relationship between the dodginess of a venture and the degree to which they depend on amazing affiliate promises to spread the word. Most of the time, the real math doesn't add up. These ventures depend almost entirely on whipping otherwise semi-sensible people into a blind frenzy of greed, using half-truths and omissions.

"Our top affiliates made over $20K a month last year!"


Four people, in fact, did. Omits the fact that 27,000 other "affiliates" lost an average of $250 each.

"Most of our Affiliates MAKE MONEY in their first year!"


51% of your affiliates made between 10 cents and $100 in their first year ("most") while 0.01% made actual money. Which conveniently is "true" but omits the fact that aforesaid 51% were earning an average of $0.02/hour for their work. A fine example of "how to lie with the truth."

It all stands and falls on greed and desperation. And-- to some extent-- on a false sense of entitlement on behalf of many who feel they are "owed" money for almost nothing.

Now, I must apologize for losing my shyte all over your comment section...

I'm an affiliate marketer and have been since 2008, and I make a great living with it. THAT SAID, and not to toot my own horn, but I am one of the FEW honest affiliates out there. I think that's why I've been able to achieve the level of success I currently enjoy.

I don't promote anything to do with cryptocurrency. I'm in a totally different niche altogether. I am an email marketer, meaning I build lists of people interested in the same things I am, and then share valuable content with them, and of course promote products that I think will be helpful to them.

The thing is, though, I NEVER promote or endorse a product that I don't own and love myself, and I don't engage in doing fake reviews and all of the other shady practices that most affiliate marketers do.

I can completely understand why the entire affiliate marketing industry has gotten such a bad name. It really sucks because it makes it difficult for people who are doing the right thing to succeed.

I have no love at all for people who promote shoddy programs just to make a quick buck. I believe that in order to be successful as an affiliate marketer, you need to truly want to help people. Help people first, then ask for the sale later.

Of course you need to sell products. That's how you make your money. HOWEVER, you need to have a moral compass and conduct your business ethically and not just try to sell anything and everything under the sun to make a fast buck.

It's like anything else I guess. There are good and bad people, and a right and a wrong way. Unfortunately, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bushel.

Also, I don't do affiliate marketing on SteemIt. I just don't think it's the right platform for it. If you are coming to SteemIt just to post articles that try to sell things, you are totally in the wrong mindset and are most likely going to fail. SteemIt is just not the place for that.

Great article! I have upvoted and followed you :)

Loved your reply @contentking. But totally disagree with you about using Steemit for affiliate marketing. I have been on Steemit for about a month and wondering where the affiliate marketers are. I think that a platform like Steemit would be great for weeding out the bad (unethical) marketers.

It is affiliate marketers like you who should be more out there. That is one way that people can distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

In addition, I would like to express to @stellabelle that because of her character, personality, and integrity, she would also be a much-appreciated contributor to affiliate marketing. Get out of your comfort zone and do it! You said it yourself, that you actually do research projects and companies.

Even if all you share is what you personally use and/or invest, that would be a great help to those of us who follow you and trust you. You don't have to be a salesperson, that isn't you (thank goodness!). There is a certain sense of achievement in making part of your income from affiliate marketing when it's coming from being honest, ethical, and true to yourself. Honestly, give it a try. We would appreciate your input.

I appreciate your reply and your kind words. The thing is, though, that the niche I'm in would not be a very good fit for affiliate marketing on SteemIt. I actually teach Internet Marketing skills such as blogging, search engine optimization, email marketing, content creation, social media management, etc. A lot of people are skeptical about people like myself because they feel I am only out to try and draw people in to a "get rich quick" scheme (which is not true).

That's why I've only been using SteemIt for my own personal enjoyment of creating content.

I like to teach people how to work from home and start online businesses so they can be their own boss and maybe quit that "9-5" job that they hate. However, as I said earlier, there are so many scammers in this niche that sometimes people are really skeptical right off the bat.

I guess if I was into promoting crypto then SteemIt would be a great place to be an affiliate. Who knows? Maybe someday I will get into that niche. I would need to learn a whole lot more about it first before I would feel qualified to coach others about it, though.

I am learning a lot about crypto just by reading posts here on SteemIt, but I've still got a LONG way to go before I feel I would have enough knowledge to recommend crypto services to others. I like to make sure I am a complete expert in my chosen niche before I attempt to influence others.

As I said in my last post, I really do care about helping people. Of course I want to make money, but it's very important to me that I provide a valuable service to others as well.

I really do appreciate the vote of confidence from you, though. That really made me feel good :)

All affiliates must be careful promoting the services that they are advertising. I am currently trying out a service that offers an affiliate program and haven't been offering to my followers because I want to make sure that before I go and start getting others involved that the service is legit. I don't want anyone getting scammed and no affiliate marketer should want to scam others. Not only is it bad for your future profits but it's also just a shitty thing to do. The blame can't be put only on the marketer though, everyone involved has to do their own research.

I think it is easier to ask your followers to click a link, rather than asking them to support you by just giving you money. I give my honest opinion and ask my followers to support my channel by clicking a link. It is easier than sending me money.

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 17. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $13.77 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 17 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Don't you think you should have communicated with him via steem.chat before flagging him? He may had some reasons to justify his act, going through some comments on that post and he also had to say a lot to defend himself!

4 days is long enough.

Yup, read all the comments there, fair enough then!

yeah, most of those comments were 3 and 4 days ago....once a scam is confirmed, then action needs to be taken.

I just had a car accident and went five days without reading and responding to my replies. I'm not saying that was the case with this user, just, there are "edge cases" in anything.

That said -- thank you for letting us know! Integrity for me is of utmost importance; I would rather lose, than win by cheating.

I like the principle of you. thank you for giving us a very useful warning. good luck @stellabelle

I do use some affiliate schemes, but I try to be honest about their potential. I value my reputation here and I don't want things coming back to haunt me :) I don't make much from then anyway

there's nothing wrong with them, I guess I am just not into sales....marketing stuff....I think i just prefer to remain a researcher.....When I worked for the Dash DAO, that was a contract, and I had done significant research. that's a solid project and community....Plus, I mostly gave away Dash....

I'm not into sales either. I'm just playing with stuff and I'll share my findings. I need to spend less time on things that don't really make me anything. I have other projects to work on

I followed them today and now this post has created some confusion about them. Though it's difficult to get time and read some extra things in your daily routine yet this seems important and I will dig deep this AIOS scam. Thanks @stellabelle for the update.

Anything not in the top 10 on coinmarketcap should be researched carefully before investing. As for integrity, it is becoming a scarce commodity.

Ahan, I also had a post yesterday regarding this with my own thoughts that why Steemit aint having referral program :)

How to decide whether a project is a scam or not. AIOS follows all the rules to prove itself a genuine project. Whitepaper, roadmap, team member, and a lucrative website. Unfortunately, wherever I go, AIOS follows me, Like Facebook or other websites. Moreover, If it is promoted by experts it looks more credible. Thank you so much for let us know about this project.

I love how you always find ways to support the Steemit community! I can see @cryptick doesn't have very many followers and yet you found his post and stepped in to help for the betterment of us all. It was through your re-steem that I found this information and appreciate it 👍🏻

A question of character. Speaks for you!

I have an advice for you concerning this post. I will appreciates if you could share more light on this topic in another post so that people in this community and whoever is reading it will understand what you means by ''AIOS ICO is a scam''. Not so many people understand what you mean, the use of this terminology looks new to some of them. You will be helping someone not to fall into hands of scammers, which is part of the things that the inventors of this platform want to achieve and you are really helping with it.

@stellabelle. Thank you for always saying the truth. I wish we have more people like you on this platform and the world at large, who can be as real as you. Steemit is all about helping people to be real and full of integrity and not to be a scam. I will support prefer to lose one big money on the basis of lying than to loose my integrity. Integrity is everything to me. #notoscammers

Thank you once again and keep doing all you can to help the world.
This world is becoming a better place with people like you and I. One love and God bless.

Always your fan @optimistdehinde.

This is a great viewpoint that is contrary to mine.
I don't personally believe that referral linking is anything detracting from a persons word or trustworthiness. If they are clear and up front about it.
Usually people just post links, but the way I find to be the best use of it is with transparency - including a caveat at the bottom that tells everyone about the fact that there may be kickbacks.
It doesn't cost the seller anything, and I see it as just another way of showing support. Does this make me immoral? Does it make my word worth less?

I guess it really is an individualized thing.

Obviously as with the ICO this is not okay - the crypto world is all about taking risks you understand

Truly, Reputation is better than a quick buck, thanks for the warning. I value my reputation here and thanks for updating us about the scam. God will continue to bless u @stellabelle

Am not been a feminist here, but trust me women are much more careful and integrity concious. Am not surprise, you are a woman with integrity, which speaks for you even in your absence. I am proud of who you are. Goodluck to you always@stellabelle, you just said it all. I do not see a reason why anyone would not make proper research for a product they are marketing. You sale/represent what you know. For me if what you represent is a scam, then you are part of the scam. Sadly, many careless about reputation.

but trust me women are much more careful and integrity concious.

Now this is what i call fallacy of unbiased statistics. It would do no harm if you made your point and not bring the concept of gender into it.

And there are reputable men here who would move hells to keep the reputation. Not taking anything away from your remark on @stellabella, alot women in this platform has engaged in scam of personality and other things.

We should be properly guided.

I may have missed it, but what is your stance on sites like Bitconnect? I don't want people to get mad at your comments, but you are someone who I actually value your opinion.

I am always wary of ICOs until they get to exchanges. Too many scams. If you unwittingly promote one and it turns out to be scam, many that invested may think you colluded with the scammers. It's a dicey game.

It's just that people mostly see the money they will get and they don't care that they are endorsing a lie @stellabelle

reputation is more important than big bucks but the irony is if you have good reputation you will likely to make the big bucks.

Wow, Thank You! I feel very honored to have such a post written about me. I really appreciate the people who have been standing up with me on this issue.

I am not into affiliate marketing. But am glad you got your facts straight and flagged for the right reason. Affiliate marketing is not bad but when people go overboard because of the pay is disheartening. Well done, integrity is key.

looking out for the little guy and helping to spread the word,
you are a great benefit to the community and we are lucky to have you
great work @stellabelle :)

Very true my ham and cheeser 😉 I've learned so much about values here from you already and I'm still learning lol. Thanks to your articles and posts, people get to understand what it's like to come here and maybe have a fair shot. Your not afraid to put it all out openly and you truly help others .. I appreciate you !

I learned from others, mostly the super early adopters to put it out there, and let people decide....

I always advice my steemit friends to be careful with their post that will make thier reputation go down and integrity.And not to support scam post and posts that has non originality .

It is really a big issue around ICOs. That was one of the reason the China government banned ICOs. Its more or less a way to siphon peoples money. Many ICO will fail and some will be a land breaker. But only time will tell, which. Great information @stellabelle.

Indeed reputation is worth protecting. There's a saying that 'a good name is better than gold'. I love ur stand momma, no wonder you are successful........am resteeming and upvoting Asap! Thank you! your diehard fan @eloquentsam

Absolutely agree with you. Specially when reputation is everything. Thank you for sharing :) Best wishes.

Pretty bad

I'm interested to learn how to spot a fraud ICO, would you be kind and share some tips please. 😊

oh boy, the first thing to look for is bad grammar. That AIOS has many sentences that are not correct, and the "team" is filled with vague descriptions.

I have also not done any affiliated marketing myself, but I do rely on affiliates to bring me sales. My product is not an ICO, and i can safely and honestly say in no way is a scam.

I fully agree with what you have said 'do your research very carefully before you invest in anything' and investing includes your reputation

reputation score can effect your income on steemit!

"i dont trust nobody and nobody trusts me"

even taylor swifts new album is called reputation

"baby i got mine but you'll all get yours " steemit whale motto XD steem price will go up and we all get rich together

Taylor wants us all to get rich!

i can always count on you to give an answer from out of space.

One quick solution would be not to invest in the ICO of any project, but to wait until the tokens are traded on the exchanges. I completely agree with you that integrity is important. Cheers.Thank you, @stellabelle for helping to address this issue of scam ICO. Not quite 2 months ago, I listened to @cryptosnews, promoting ziber ICO. Truthfully, I didn't do any due deligence. I just fell for the 'technology' of the company being the first to build internet telephony on the blockchain. On the day of the ICO, I sold 1000 humaniq (HMQ) tokens in exchange for 1 ETH and sent it to ziber's crowdfunding account. To cut a long story short, it turned out that Ziber ICO was a scam!

Hey there StellaBella, I've been looking for a new proposal from you over on the DashNation slack channel. How are things?

I have been studying the roadmap for POW currencies like Dash and it was after reading this article by Evan that sent me down the rabbit hole: https://medium.com/@eduffield222/how-to-enabling-on-chain-scaling-2ffab5997f8b

In this article's responses, I learned that Evan Duffield appears not to even know about DPOS systems like Bitshares, Steem and EOS, as evidenced by this comment:

After thinking about this deeply, I began to really think about the fact that POW mining is wasteful of energy. It was at this point that I realized Dan Larimer invented Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) in order to reduce the waste of electricity.
When I found out that Evan was not educated about this, I felt disillusioned. I was actually shocked that he had no knowledge of how DPOS works, and its advantages.
I still do believe that Dash could potentially be the next PayPal because its governance system is pretty good, but I also realized that my core values are aligned more with DPOS systems, as I have seen how they operate and how they can exist as a very streamlined, and powerful method of consensus in a community. I want to think that Dash's technology and scaling solutions will be going in the right direction, but I am also concerned by the fact that DPOS has not even been studied.
With all that, it should be known that I am still invested in Dash right now. It still is better than Bitcoin, so even though I don't think it's perfect, I think it's much better than the disarray of Bitcoin...
I hadn't articulated my thoughts on this until now as I generally don't like to stir up controversial topics, about which none of us knows the future of....
But I want to be honest about why I am not putting in a proposal. It's because the technology for scaling is going in a direction that I think is short-sighted.

There is another reason as well as that has to do with this: I am stretched thin as far as the things I'm working on. I started a Bitcoin School in Kansas City, and in that school, I am teaching people about Bitcoin, Dash, Steem, many different blockchain projects. This is taking up my time, as well as I will begin working for a friend of mine locally.
The number of Steem projects I'm involved with is large too, as I am writing a book, helping to create a Steem Stock Photo library, and I also just gave away two trips to Steemfest. There are other things I'm doing, like helping with the @spaminator group, as well as mentoring several Nigerian writers. On top of all that, I am going to doctors because I have very strange symptoms (like the sensation of heart attack feelings in my chest) which I don't know what is causing it. I have been avoiding going to a doctor for several months, but now I am just forcing myself to do this, as my symptoms are not going away.

and my third reply is kind of weird, but when Evolution is released, I'm thinking of doing something as a voluteer project, like the art contest.....still thinking about what exactly to do, but the Evolution thing if it works, is kind of a big deal, something to look forward to.

Interesting perspective! Thanks

Thanks for letting us know, I am old and dont understand any of this so I always keep an eye on your post it so often helps me out. Have a wonderful day.

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