Steemit is a new baby on the internet and it's being abused.
The Steemit babe is being left in the car to overheat, suffocate and starve by those who have decided to assume the role of the fucked up, abusive parent.
But this is strange considering that Steemit allows anyone, absolutely anyone to dream up content, in the form of parody, fun, insanity, seriousness, data, helping or even exploitation of oneself. What I did not mention in that list is:
People of the old world are using tactics of the old world, namely: abuse, scamming, blackmailing and devious, underhanded hate-filled tactics. These tactics might indeed have some merit, if the system under which these people is corrupt and not free. Steemit allows anyone, even people without any kind of money to post to their hearts desire. You can even post naked photos of yourself for money as long as you follow the rules and add the tag, NSFW, you are free to do so.
Now I usually refrain from such a post as I'm about to enter for one primary reason: I do not like conflict. I never have. I tend to steer clear away from abuse, hate, conflict and the like. In this post, I will reveal why these tactics will in fact spell your grave in Steemit. After reading this, it will become clear why Steemit is posed to revolutionize the world and in what ways this will happen.
Something has been brought to my attention in rocket chat that I simply cannot ignore: BLACKMAIL. I really owe credit to @liberosist for bringing this to my attention. Thanks.
Now this situation is a little complex, but I did investigation today and will break it down for you in the simplest way possible.
XXBabyLoveXX to hold up a sign saying "Steemit":INCIDENT #1: @moonflower created a scam post and hired the services of a fiverr actor by the name of
Here is the post in question:
Here's the picture of the fake @moonflower as "she" appeared in Steemit:
Now, here is the Fiverr actor as she appears in her Fiverr profile:
For starters, the Fiverr actor is from Bulgaria as her profile clearly states:Obviously, this is the same person. So, who says that the Fiverr actor is not @moonflower?
The Steemit post states that she lives in Maui and has found a new life. Nowhere in that post did she say she was a Fiverr actor, and anyone involved in entrepreneurship knows that not mentioning her Fiverr gigs would be a ridiculous move. Her English also contains mistakes in her Fiverr profile, but the Steemit one contains no errors. I speak 3 languages and I am keenly aware of foreign kinds of English. So, obviously @moonflower hired the Fiverr actor, wrote a fake story and banked thousands of Steem dollars. Anything in the future written by @moonflower will be downvoted by me and I'll be actively monitoring this account from now on. Okay, a scam artist, what next?
Well, @r4fken managed to somehow uncover the scam of @moonflower and wrote a post about it. Here's his original article:
I was grateful that he found this and alerted others and I even tweeted about it on Twitter and Facebook groups, too. When I was in Rocket Chat, however, I was alerted to the reality that @r4fken had blackmailed @moonflower for $500. The blockchain reveals his blackmailing:
What we learn from his failed blackmail is that @r4fken states, "Send me your $500 now and I'll never mention fiverr to anyone...your choice."
So, what we learn about @r4fken is that he is willing to harm the Steemit community, withhold important information that could ultimate harm us, in exchange for money. This type of shit is killing the baby.
When his blackmail of @moonflower failed to achieve the $500, he created the post, notified me on Twitter, etc.
Dan Larimer and Ned Scott have worked their tails off, day and night, to create a system in which anyone, literally anyone, even mentally unstable people can earn a living wage if they try hard enough (as long as they don't abuse others) and then a scam artist followed by a person wanting to blackmail the scam artist graces the stage.
Ok, so here's what I really wanted to get across in this post:
By scamming the Steemit community, you're actually sharpening the blade for your own turn at the guillotine. Let me explain something.
Reputation is everything in Steemit.
Steemit is not like the rest of the corrupt world because of one thing: the transparent ledger of blockchain.
Steemit does operate like the rest of the world as far as integrity, popularity and social rules go. This means some people will naturally be more popular than others. Generally, whoever gives to others the most will have the most friends. That's a rule that governs kingdoms as well as society at large.
What's unique about Steemit though, is that people who possess brilliant mathematical and scientific minds, like @complexring and @dana-edwards can thrive with their independent research. Geniuses, who have gone unnoticed by mainstream media are finally free to carry out their unique, arcane and highly idiosyncratic research and get monetary rewards for doing so. This is revolutionary.
The Steemit marketplace is around the corner.
Friends do business with friends.
If you have few friends in Steemit, my advice to you is this: make friends now.
Forget about the payouts temporarily, and focus on people, making friends with people you like and who are in a similar boat as you. Don't bug people who have no time (I used to bug @dantheman all the time when I had a vicious troll, but I learned my lesson. I don't bug him anymore as he has zero time for me. He probably doesn't even have time for himself anymore. I learned, it was hard, though, since I respect Dan almost to a degree I'm uncomfortable with. I think he's been a good teacher for me....)
Making close friends will shield you from the following:
troll attacks
social attacks
scam attempts
Steemit is a lot like the jungle: groups tend to thrive, while the lone ape will be singled out and attacked.
Going forward with the Secret Writer stuff:
From now on I will be investigating all secret writer submissions very carefully. If there is a history of scams, blackmail or other trolling, vicious behavior, I will not be accepting those submissions.
I'm also considering making a giant list of all scam artists, blackmailers and putting these in a public area. Each new scammer's name will be added to the list. It will be next to impossible to operate within the Steemit ecosystem for scammers, now that I see the urgency of this ongoing development in shitbaggery.
Each lie and deception you do, nails another coffin in your casket.
If you know you've fucked up and scammed us, the Steemit community, guess what, you can redeem yourself with this one thing: the truth. Truth is always there to choose. Choose wisely.
There are other ways to buy a pony. And thankfully, Steemit has provided just such a home. Don't kill the baby.
I don't know if you remember, but when you were still very new on Steemit and still questioning the integrity of the project, I directed you to the thoughts of Dan Larimer as expressed in his blog.
Well, now I would like to direct your attention to a youtube of The History Channel's The French Revolution
Please keep in mind the adage "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" as you follow the career of Robespierre the Incorruptible (as he was known to the Steemians, er, I mean, to the French revolutionaries).
I sometimes fear that you are gaining too much power too quickly within our community. To test a person's true character - give them power.
I have been contributing what I can to Dan and other devs for many years now, since before protoshares was launched. I am a Keyhotee Founder (if you know what that means). I have watched and seen who can handle power and who can't. There is no evidence, either way, that you will handle power well and stay true to Dan's ideals.
But I have concerns. I knew quite a while back, from my very low key curating activities, that @r4fken had major character flaws and bore careful watching. You, however, without proper investigation, promoted his post about @moonflower. In my opinion that was careless and in other circumstances will be counterproductive to the furthering of Steem ethics .
I realize that you are a 9, and can devestate my reputation as a mere 8, but please accept my words as spoken in the tradition of Jesters and Fools - the only ones who can speak truth to the King (er, Queen). Or the clown seated beside the General in his chariot as he makes his Triumph into Rome, showered with praise by the adoring throngs, whispering in the Genreal's ear "Remember that you are mortal".
"I'm also considering making a giant list of all scam artists, blackmailers and putting these in a public area."
Please, please watch The French Revolution. You are not yet ready for that power (although it will be handed to you if you follow the course you are on).
I would say this to you: before you judge me, find out for yourself who I am.
Your opinion is based on a certain set of factors and not based on an actual conversation.
Naturally, I do respect your opinion, as you have made me think more deeply about some matters. It is true that I am a trusting person. I'm learning as I go to become more suspicious, but my true nature is of the "seeing the good" in people variety. I let people's true colors shine through, and then, I make an assessment of their trustworthiness. If they betray my trust, I cut them loose from my inner circle. I try my best not to judge another human being without first finding out for myself exactly who they are.I have read through your comments and am thinking about them. If you knew me well, you would understand that the driving force behind me is wealth redistribution (wealth in the form of time, money and energy). I distribute wealth every day. I just gave away most of the proceeds of the scam post to @nojah because he wrote about the blackmail first, even though I never saw his article. He was visibly upset that my article had gained traction and his didn't. I understand his frustration and felt compensation was necessary.
When I do find out, I take appropriate measures. I wonder if you feel the same way about any other whales or orcas? Or have you singled me out for being a trusting and trustworthy individual?
I'd like to ask you a question: which other Steemian gives money to others on a daily basis, every day? And I'm not including curation here. I give away money daily to others. I also give my time to encourage others.
But it's true, I do not embody the feeling of hate. I don't hate anyone, actually. Just because a scammer made off with the community's trust, it doesn't lead me to hating them. Hating perpetuates violence. I have no time for hate, when I have a whole world of creativity and imagination to explore.
I choose to engage with the feeling of acceptance. I cannot truly change anyone except my own reaction to the actions and reactions of others. I can decide to disregard your criticisms, or I can decide to probe as to why you are somewhat rattled by my status. I am amused by your assessment that "I am not ready for that power" as you do not truly know who I am. If you had bothered to get to know me deeply and then made that assessment, well, then, I would see some merit in it. However, that is not the case.
Great investigative work and exposure of this @stellabelle! There was clearly some gaming of the introductory posts. And yes, there are blackmailers who would rather get out with a few hundred dollars than help build this long term. But all of it makes us stronger, especially when the community stands ready to point out and condemn such behavior. We will watch out for it the next time it pops up, probably in a different form. And if we work together, not only will we beat it, but we'll end up with a stronger platform than ever before.
yes, I agree! It only works if the ethical people stand up and take action........thanks for your supportive comments.
Investigator @stellabelle to the rescue! All jokes aside, great work here. A really level headed approach to something that needs to be said.
Before Steemit I was a science journalist actually. My dream though is investigative journalism.....and building the "factory"

Do go on...
A science journalist? Interesting.... why stop at a factory? There's a whole range of industries to be built :P
Here's my Interesting Engineering articles, all together, I don't own the copyrights, so they are just there on that website:
Haha, brilliant thanks for the link :)
Honesty is vital
Success not from greed
Scam artist recital
Can slay their feed
Wisdom drips deeply
From you it flows fast
Let them pay steeply
Let this scam be the last
bravo! C'est chouette! Arigatoo gozaimasu!
Let's hope people will start to realize transparency is equal to blockchain and how this community operates. Its all about reputation, like anywhere in the real world.
That was really informative and fun to read. Thanks, Stellabelle! Keep up the good work!
I hope scams and blackmail don't become too widespread on this site. :(
ah, you're welcome.
@moonflower has been Sherlocked :P great post @stellabelle
Yeah, faking a persona is kinda iffy, but blackmail is straight up immoral. If you think someone is lying to the community, let the community know. Don't blackmail them to keep it a secret. That doesn't fly with me either.
It's shitty, there's no way around it. Actually, believe it or not, I am really mad about him being silenced with money. That's what sealed it for me. Truth and decency and integrity cannot thrive when people are being paid off.
Surely any wrongdoings will not last. People may enjoy it but only for a very limited time. No real happiness.
Well, a lot of people are getting frustrated because they can't make money and start to use this kind of cheap methods to get attention.. the guy made 4k with probably a 5$-$10 GIG but this is not the way for a long therm.
In our language we have an adage : The lie has short legs
What that means ? Means that sooner or later someone will catch you because the lie cannot goes to far with his short legs !
I think the most important concept that you present, which I hadn't fully grasped when I heard of the incident was how @r4fken was "willing to harm the Steemit community, withhold important information that could ultimate harm us, in exchange for money. This type of shit is killing the baby."
Yes, let's not kill the baby! Thanks for the hard work and deep thoughts!
Most newbies haven't bothered to join me in Layer 3 Awakening. That's where the black swan flies.
@stellabelle -- killing it, day in and day out. #KeepHustlin
I don't know where to start. I even think of creating a post for this later, don't know yet. First of all it makes me sick to see people being greedy but these kind of people are everywhere. It's our duty to actively do something against them. Hats of stellabelle for making things clear. The money moonflower earned could have been the money of someone who really needs it. The blackmailing is almost worse. Pretending to be a good guy and "secretly" putting other under pressure.
I said a lot of negative things but we shouldn't forget that Steemit is actually a wonderful place! Day by day I learn new things and I improve myself! Starting to think about what I can give to the community and no get makes me happy. One thing is still hard for me. You mentioned to make new friends here. I wish I could do so but I really have the feeling to go down under the masses. But let me tell you that I am fully with passion here and I can't think of be without Steemit ever again. This might be a second chance to introduce myself. So if anyone wants to stay in contact. Here I am :))
"to go down under the masses." what does this mean?
And you having passion, well that is the beginning of anything....raw energy! Let's not forget one major thing. We all have our issues, our insanity. There's few places where that kind of insanity can be rewarded financially.....When I made my My Account Got Hacked Makeup Tutorial, I wasnt fishing for upvotes.
Let's face it, I'm a middle-aged woman, with zero prospects. I'm not a WHALE DELIGHT. My boobs are not perky. I am not fitting into the "hot chick" category like all the others. When I decided to make this video, I made it for myself actually. I felt insane when the hacker took control of my account. I wanted to rid myself of those insane feelings.......the video was not a viral succes or anything. but it did two things: it cleared my mind and also made me laugh, like many times. That laughter is my payment. You can be nuts on Steemit and make money too. But you have to dive really deep and not give a shit about being normal: OH yeah, and you can't treat people like dogshit either.
@stellabelle You may not have the boobs as you mentioned but you are simply a very good looking woman. I get jealous of what you have become here on steemit :). I want to learn, hope you can reach out.
Can you vote my posts up? . I am a hunk.. 😃😃😃
That shouldn't be the criteria. I like your work. That is why I have up voted your posts
Can I send you 30 steem dollars for the pony your are holding in the picture?
" Here I am :))" that's a really good start actually
I heard of the video but haven't seen it yet. This is priceless! :D I can tell you from my point if you why this was successful, because it made me also laugh. It's the little things that can make the most magic things to us. By saying "going down under the masses" I meant to get lost in the shuffle. That sometimes your post is overseen. But I don't want to complain now. Giving up is no option and I took your words to heart. Maybe that's what I do wrong, that I try to act normal. I can ensure you I have way too much energy :D thanks for your time and the talk. Let's see what the future brings. Keep doing what you love stellabelle. It's the right way my friend. Hope it's okay to call you a friend
@timsaid wanted to make friends? If you want somebody who live on the other side of the world, I am here.
@stellabelle is connecting people. Great
Steemit is a social network. It's social because we interact. The fact that we can make friends and chat and comment on what we each other write is amazing.
The reputation system is great, I love it so far and it helps me read the real comments.
After a few days on steemit I have been following people and I feel I get closer to each one of one you. I have also stopped following people since I do not have the same interests.
For example; @stellabelle I follow your posts and stories and I really enjoy them. I feel each time I get a little more closer to you.
Or your secrete-writer series is amazing! Please keep it going and just be a bit more careful :)
Thanks for that. I am going to be more careful from now on.
@stellabelle has the talent and could be a good mentor.
Back in my days those perpetrators were meat for the Cheetah's.....

ha ha! how do we use those steempty emoticons?
To use steempty's, just post them like a normal picture. Have fun ! xI am creating at this moment. They will be all there to download in different sizes within a few days. Meanwhile just right-click and save image as :).
Great post thanks for sharing , like you say "What's unique about Steemit though, is that people who possess brilliant mathematical and scientific minds, like @complexring and @dana-edwards can thrive with their independent research. Geniuses, who have gone unnoticed by mainstream media are finally free to carry out their unique, arcane and highly idiosyncratic research and get monetary rewards for doing so", i´m sure that a lot of people who write,cook,Housewife, etc, i mean everyone who have something Genuine to sharing is enjoying the steemit experience, they are now being known and rewarded for who they are, and what they have to contribute to this community. sorry for my bad English.
Oh man, this is properly depressing, and from reading @r4ken's replies on this and his post, he seems to think that because Moonflower is a scammer, it's perfectly fine what he did.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention Stella, stirling work
you're welcome. I thought more people should at least know what's going on, then they can take appropriate measures, as they see fit.
Holy cow! It amazes me that people put this together! I've seen those sign holder services, And I thought about using them to help advertise my Coloring books, But never to create a new account!
I'm baffled that people can't just come on here, Write some good content and be thankful of the great gift that Steemit has given all of us! And like you said the guy that was whiling to sacrifice Steemit... For 500??? Really? This was all just so random and it blew up so fast, I find it funny he sent his messages on something that is COMPLETELY public! hahah!
This is a great post! I love the way you wrote it! And I laughed when I saw the horse picture!! Stellabelle and her horses :p
horses fly.
There are really people who doesn't care as long as they can have money for themselves. Could it be that their minds were corrupted by the differences of this world?
Thanks for these insights! It will be a matter of social control, together we can keep the community clean. For now, things like reputation levels help and a few big players can act as guardians without being 24/7 on patrol. But in the end, as steem grows in users, it will be up to the community itself to watch over each other, so its good that you educate everybody with insights like these!
Perhaps this wouldn't happen if whales weren't being so sexist in the first place.
There wouldn't be a market for scammers if whales didn't upvote every pretty girl with a marker pen and a piece of paper.
Equality works both ways.
Scammers will always find a market for scamming whatever is popular. Whales are free to do what they want, and while I agree with your assessment somewhat, I cannot condemn the whales for their free choice to vote for what pleases them. Most of them are men, after all. They are men who, I think wanted to make the male/female ratio more balanced. When I joined, it was a sausage party. It felt like I was in a group of 10 women vs. 11,000 men. The first early adopters were from the crypto world which is like 99% male. They rightfully saw that there's was a serious void in female membership. Sexuality unfortunately cannot be separated from our human experience. We're still sort of apes in a lot ways, much to the chagrin of many. I'm an ape too in some respects.
The whales were the ones who risked everything to make the steemit dream a reality. They cannot be faulted actually for being human and having human responses, even when I may personally disagree with their decision to upvote certain posts over others.
Scammers will always be a scammer and their very good at it but not enough because you just nailed them 😀
or they could be like hairpieces... you only notice the bad ones
I so glad I checked out this post. When I first joined Steemit, I was very hesitant. My upbringing made it hard for me to trust anyone. Scammers really piss me off. Most people work hard for what they have, and for someone to think it's ok to take advantage of others is the lowest life you can live (besides all forms of abusers). I watch who I comment on and who I deemed worthy enough for me to want to follow. I really like your posts and look forward to reading more from you. Thank you for letting us know this crap happened. I would hope that people are on here more for the fun and not the money. I like to write and a friend suggested I check out Steem. In the past, I had talked about Freelance, so maybe this will be a start for me, to see if my heart would really be in it.
When someone creates a system that adds value to society, naturally there will always be those few who will try to take advantage of it. This specific scam artist thought what is $5 when I can make $3000? Just as you said, greed was definitely a driving force here. I am definitely a proponent of karma, and even though this may have seemed like a win in the short term to this particular person. Exerting force in one direction causes equal and opposite force in the other. The system has a way of catching up with these scums of the Earth. One way or another I would like to believe that someday this person will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Thanks for the great post!
~ Np
Lol, I agree with that karma catching up. Unfortunately we will never get rid of scammers. I hope that someone comes up with a way to post them on here. They can even have their own "special box" We need a love it button on here. (sorry, am a long time facebooker until getting hooked on Steem)
whoa what the effe... seriously messed up in all kinds of ways. SMDH
This is a big problem with STEEMIT and we should think of how we can solve it.
We as a community need to vet posters a bit. It is funny how scammers always have such nice pictures and well made introductory posts. Maybe we should vote up the less nicely made ones, like the intermediate posts. Those might be the ones which are the actual work of real posters.
Anyway, the only solution to the scammers is to be selective and not reward them so highly.
I love so much about this post and as you found yourself with @dantheman, I also fell in to a tift with a user (probably the same one actually) and didn't realize quite how busy you were for my own little problems.
"Don't bug people who have no time (I used to bug @dantheman all the time when I had a vicious troll, but I learned my lesson. I don't bug him anymore as he has zero time for me. He probably doesn't even have time for himself anymore. I learned, it was hard, though, since I respect Dan almost to a degree I'm uncomfortable with. I think he's been a good teacher for me....)"
I have taken this advice and started to try to run with more of my own ideas and giving some great users the ability to contribute if they are able to instead of depending only on them.
@r4fken has made an incredible error in judgement and will likely see his reputation tarnished and his advise left unfollowed. Hopefully he will learn his lesson and come back to be a great piece of this community. The transparency of the blockchain allowed him to find the user faking as @moonflower. He could have simply been rewarded for warning others, but didn't stop and ruined it all.
Also the transparency allowed a user who is a notorious spammer to out me as a #secret-writer. It's a good thing I was thinking about doing this myself, as steemit has given me the courage to be myself and not care about what others think about me when it comes to what I have gone through in my life. But that being said, someone in a similar position could have been horrified to have themselves revealed as the writer of a deeply personal story.
It comes down to this for me "Be Honest, Creative, Kind & Help Others"
Success will follow if you do those things.
(And I hope you have that horse in the first picture in your posession. It is absolutely fabulous!)
One of the main goals of the secret writer is to give confidence to people to expose their truths after they experience what it is like to get anonymous comments. Once that phase is over, the next one is on: to write honestly, from the gut, and to not care about how you are received. As the trolls and bots now have their negative reputations to grapple with, that leaves space for people to be authentic again. Abuse is terrible, and what people do not understand is that you can disagree with others, just don't shove them down the shithole while you're disagreeing! There's a fragile ego on the other side of the computer screen.
Yes you are absolutely instrumental in my success and growth here and I am trying to pay it forward to others, because I have the time to do so, while you have hundreds of ideas and projects going nonstop. Blessings to you @stellabelle
Great response! Yes it was pretty eye-opening to read that thread because of the scam and blackmailing all rolled in one. Geez @r4fken could have made more than $500 just posting about a clever Fiverr scam. Agree reputation is everything and this should serve as an example of bad behavior. Look forward to having a Public Service Announcement Board aka Wall of Shame aka.. we need a good name for this...
It's posts like this that make me glad I discovered steemit... There are no hiding places for scams and deceits.
Thanks so much for this, Leah. This was investigative journalism at its best.
the clues were all given to me, but i realized i needed to put them all together in a cohesive way for all to benefit from.
I am sorry. But really? investigative journalism????? u sure?
For copying and pasting stuff?
This is just at most citizen journalism and the viewpoint is not neutral.
LOL. I meant it in a mild term. She understood what I meant...She already gave credit to the steemian who did the "investigation" ... You read my post on investigative journalism so ;)
Great post! @stellabelle, I completely agree with you. This is everybody's baby and we need to raise it the best way that there is possible because it's our future and they say that kids are their parents example, do we raise our kids to be scammers and blackmailers or do we raise our kids to be successful and inspiring???
I had no idea about the blackmail. Why anyone would do that - even if they thought they were helping - I have no idea. I don't even see how that could be seen as helping. I think this is the main reason we don't need a PM function on here if for no other reason. The closest thing to it is the DM function in the rocket chat. Just wow.
i know.
I posted that information 3 hours before you and nobody cared but your post got 662 USD, go figure out why :
I never saw your post but since you posted that information well in advance of me I've transferred 200.00 to you.
I am amazed by your generosity and kindness This is an example of what should be done on steemit.
What an awesome community here. Steemit is great because of great people like you.
Thanks from everybody here. Truly.
I dislike bad blood and jealousy. Also, I put myself in najoh shoes. If I posted about the blackmail and no one saw it, i'd be pissed to discover someone else getting paid for an article that "revealed" what I had already released. Sometimes, it's just easier to do what is right with the least resistance and bad blood. I've been relatively poor for 10 years, so money doesn't mean as much to me as those who have had it. I realize that any day I could lose it all. What i cannot afford to lose, however, is the image people have of me when I am dead. My soul has already died several times before now.

I told you, you're one of a kind!
Woaw ! That's so nice of you !
I will say, though, perhaps next time make your post longer and go into more details.
Your post is indeed very nice and well written but for an incident i thought it was preferable to keep it shorter and get to the point as fast as possible. Your article opens a full debate into this kind of issues, mine was just an alert. Also i believe that i don't have the same talent as you for writing.
That is very kind of you. There are so many posts daily that its hard to see all posts! So its easy not to have seen his post. I yhink like you its better to share the wealth, and make more people happy. :)
Hi @stellabelle
I have been seeing these intro posts and I found it super weird. I too thought it was a scam but I was not able to detect how. I have a day job and have to take care of my lovely plant.
I believe this is just the beginning and steemit will naturally adapt. I mean that's part of the idea no ?
Thanks for summing it up so good. Strange things are going on on the Way to the future... This is turning into a detective story.
Sorry that my comment is not substantial but I have to ask. What is my kind of English? :)
Well, you capitalize "W" of "Way" and you add a period after "ask" which is not correct grammar, but many natives don't use correct grammar. Your English is good, I'm guessing you learned it as a child?
:) W is a typo. About your remark, that last two sentences should be merged into one. I can see that now. But, while writing, they were two separate sentences in my mind :)
I am from Slovenia and I was learning English from the fourth grade on. I was honing my skills with a lot of writing and speaking and reading, of course. Sci-Fi mostly :)
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.
@stellabelle Im from the other side of the world Philippines and english is not my native language. Though I use english as a means to communicate with my superior but I still consider my english out of nowhere. I have few posts and it took me few hours and even days to finish each of them.
Too bad Isaac Asimov is gone.
Having been involved in internet secondary market mediums before. I agree on the idea of a public blacklist source of some sort. Informative & well written as always. #SteemOn :D <3
NOT go far because it is no longer the good content and merit that matters, but it is the connection that matters. No one will bother to write good content. Then it is not revolutionary. It is mainly POLITICS at play.Hi @stellabelle, I agree that reputation is everything in steemit. But i have something to say about making friends on steemit. Does this mean that one just need many friends on steemit and not focus on write good content? Then if one write crap content, his "friends", your "so-called" friends will rush to upvote him/her even if they wrote crap? If this is the kind of effect that you are talking about, then i am sure steemit will
Then the observation of people outside steemit said is true:- me voting you and you voting me. you sure is GOOD CONTENT???
No, the focus should be first on creating quality content. However, what I see in Steemit, is that people are ONLY focused on the posts, instead of realizing this is a social network, and operates in a similar fashion as the others in the social sphere. Some people will naturally be less social than others, and if they consistently produce high-quality content, then that's fine, they can just continue doing so. Other people however I think would do better as curators and also as encouragers of others. Not everyone is a great writer, so what I was talking about is that making friends will help when even making posts. Collaborating is something I have not seen much of on this platform. Collaborating with someone who has complimentary skills is a good move. I like to collaborate simply because it makes the end product so much better. I've worked with many different people in here because it's fun to do so. Sorry if I came across as you thinking that making friends is in place of creating good content.
Thanks for clarification. But a few points to note:
troll attacks
social attacks
scam attempts
Steemit is a lot like the jungle: groups tend to thrive, while the lone ape will be singled out and attacked."
When i see this, it sounds like a collusion is happening in steemit and is in fact real.
no collusion. Collaboration.
I am sorry but no matter how i read your words, it seems to be using your reputation and audience to put the spotlight on people around steemit without thorough investigation or questioning the perpetrator first, and then posting this in public for profit. Social attacks? bullying? Seems that this post of yours is already one.
Disconcerting news.
I strongly believe Steemit has antibody to fight this: software is getting better day after day and users are getting wiser.
We almost defeated spammers and annoying bots.
Keep up the good work!
Great your hunting down these scumbags, I fuckin hate them! I work my ass really hard and barely get anything while they cashout thousands and thousands of dollars, thanks again @stellabelle
as always - stunning qualitative and beautiful work! Thx!
Wow I didn't know the blackmail part of the story. Thanks for posting and writing so well.
I did not either until I got the scoop from @liberosist. He's the one I need to pay it forward to......i smell a golden ticket...
Wow! Steem True Crime series begins!
It goes to show you, expect the worst in people and you will never be disappointed. Whenever you have this many people gathered in one place, you can expect quite a few of them to be low class folks.
Thanks for the heads up on this, I'd like to say i'm surprised, but I am not.
Great post and report about what happend and nice example how a community can solve this problem itself. For long most of us have been kept on the side lines and out of the loop for almost everything that regulates our lives. In a transparant system like steem we can already be experimenting how a community can take responsabilty and regulate itself.
It takes a village... If vigilant people look out for each other we can overcome this type of nonsense. This will be a true test of the idea that "The only way evil can win is if good people do nothing". Good people will continue to step up.
Just give scammers a pony as avatar, then we can recognize them easily :)
Who needs soap operas when you have Steemit...
... fake posts
... five dollar actors
... blackmail
... the big reveal
.... the plot twist
Damnit, where was the popcorn when I needed it!
And this is why Steemit will conquer all. Kudo's to stellabelle!
Great post! I like your posts easy to read. I begin to think that it is waiting for new from you. =)
I also want to pretty pony. xD
Congrats dear you are the only steemit user with 9 rating.
We need more people like you to help this community from destruction and fast because are coming more like that guy.I really appreciate your work and I hope I will do the same in the future.
in nearest future there will be much more problems I think. and the ocean is too big(