ATTENTION SCAM WARNING - @sek3 comments are Fake - DO NOT click on links comments from this user

in #scam7 years ago


Yesterday, after making a post, I received a comment from an account sek3. The comment looked like this:

(Comment is faded due to users rep)

Stupid me clicked on the links to see what the account was and I noticed that the account directs you to, not

Thankfully, @mattclarke was quick to reply and downvote the comment for me and alerted me to the scam. Thanks @mattclarke


I immediately changed my password and keys just to be safe.

If you see a comment from @sek3, please downvote and ignore immediately. DO NOT click on any links and if you inadvertently do, change your password and keys immediately. This scam is aimed at stealing your keys and swiping your Steem.

Hopefully this reaches a few people so they are not caught out by this scam.

Thanks for reading.

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