I would like to point out that blackmail is a criminal offense, regardless of what your intentions were here...
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I would like to point out that blackmail is a criminal offense, regardless of what your intentions were here...
since theyre probably in different states, this would be federal. And fed blackmail i think is only threatening to reveal a crime... agree tho inappropriate.
Good grief. The dramatic twist.
Wow, its funny to see that you sir have tried to blackmail that innocent girl.
do you have proof, that she didn't join Steemit?
but anyway, that you are trying to blackmail someone , and leaving it forever on the block chain seems to be the dumbest thing i have seen on Steemit !!
I think you are the perpetrator here !!! in the countries i life, blackmail is a felony!
so please dont try this again, i am pretty sure that steemit has you ip and you might be reported to authorities...
anyway, i wrote something about reputation
actually, blackmailing people makes you a scammer
you dont have actual proof about that girl not writing that herself on Steemit.
so present real proof, and i will vote you up!
i am just saying, that trying to blackmail someone, because you think that person cheated, is sad.
Maybe that person has already reported you to the authorities and the police will come to pick you up.
anyway, i am trying my best to write good articles and give constructive feedback.
i dont want to judge you, but blackmail is something which is not on my tolerate list, as this is not a trivial offense, its serious !
so maybe you and me just have different views in life, which i accept, but lets end this discussion here and we leave each other alone!
That awkward feeling when the comment has gathered more likes $, than a post :D

Haha... blackmailing vs scammer.
and the plot thickens!
Bad form man...

"Give me money and I will not say anything more about it" is called extortion and really is bad form.
And this is the guy going after me as well. Bye.
Right - commit crimes in private please - dumbass.
Did you just call yourself a scammer?
He has been attacking me for days - yet I spent 30k and bought thousands of users here today alone.
The extortion messages show that he contacted the intropost scammer before the payout. If his motive was to stop a scammer, he could easily have prevented the payout by reporting the scammer on #steemitabuse on Slack.