
Psalm 23: 1-3 King James Version (NIV)
1 Jehovah is my shepherd; Nothing will be missing. 2 In places of delicate pastures will make me rest; Next to calm waters will shepherd me. 3 It will comfort my soul; He will lead me along paths of justice for the sake of his name.
God is the pastor par excellence and we must trust since his word says "nothing will be missing."
In my particular case, I woke up in a family without a father, you can imagine all the needs that a child has when he gets up in a home with the absence and warmth of a father. There is a great emptiness inside the heart, because you don't have the direction and advice of a father. It lacks the food, clothing, footwear, education, health and protection provided by a parent in the home.
Already in my youth, I ran with the luck of knowing Christ, and I could understand that all the emptiness that my earthly father had left me, I have managed to cover with Christ in my heart, and I can say with all confidence: "Jehovah is my shepherd ; nothing will be missing. "
The warmth of God as Father and pastor protects me and fills me with strength. I never miss his love, his divine attention to my needs often covers them. I can safely say that God is the most excellent of the shepherds. He always arrives on time and is always present to give me his help and support. He is a loving, sweet, affectionate and forgiving pastor. I am sure that with Him "nothing will be missing."
It may happen that parents fail their children and their family, but God will always take care of their flock.
When I seek the presence of my God, I deeply feel that it leads me to rest in calm waters, where peace and divine love is manifested.
In the moments when I have faced dangers in my youth, his hand always reaches out to free me from the hunter's tie. If I walk through the valleys of the shadow of death, my God will always cover me with his shadow and his power. I will fear no evil, because Jehovah is my shepherd, who will continually protect me.