
We are the Christians called to spread the "good news" of the Kingdom of God to those lost in the darkness of the world. We are wise if we obey without fear, with the assurance that God will confirm His Word.
Isaiah 40: 8-11, 8 Dry the grass, the flower withers; but the word of our God remains forever. 9 Climb a high mountain, announcer of Zion; raise your voice, announcer of Jerusalem; lift her up, don't fear; Say to the cities of Judah: Go here to your God! 10 Behold, Jehovah the Lord will come with power, and his arm will rule; Behold, his reward comes with him, and his pay in front of his face. 11 As a shepherd he will feed his flock; in his arm he will carry the lambs, and in his bosom he will carry them; gently graze the newborn. Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960).
The prophet proclaims the eternal reminder: "... the word of our God abides forever." He immediately anticipates the spread of that word. The world needs a solid foundation on which to build life, just as it certainly needs a sure salvation to redeem it. "Zion, the people of God, has that word and the privilege of proclaiming" good news ": the joyful, pleasant and healthy news of the present life and of an eternal hope. Therefore, 1)" raise your voice with strength "(Isaiah 40: 9) The message is to proclaim the good news, since nothing will happen until that statement is made; 2)" do not fear "(Isaiah 40: 9), because God will manifest himself while saying who proclaims: Go here to your God! "(40: 9). 3) Our message from someone who has the strength to rule ("his arm will rule") and a reward to offer ("comes with him", (40:10)), will be confirmed. We show wisdom by responding, without fear, to the call to spread "the good news", believing that God will confirm his word (Mark 16:20). Jesus spoke of the servant who hid his talent and said: "He was afraid!" Let the powerful promise and perfect love of God cast all fear and talk to whom God offers us the opportunity to address the Good News. He will confirm his word with power.