
Blessings to all. God guide you on this happy day.
One way or another, we prepare daily for our glorious encounter with the Lord in the clouds. However, we must be prepared for all the events that may occur in our lives. If the Lord comes in the clouds, true Christians know that we are going with him. However, when the person is not prepared for an encounter with the Lord, an eternal abode awaits him, which will depend on God's righteous judgments on the great white throne.
Then, a question opens: Are there eternal places beyond death? Just check the holy book, which is the Bible and know everything about this topic.
The criteria of people who do not believe in places that exist in the afterlife after this earthly life must be respected in the same way. Although we must respect their criteria, it is important to know that the Bible is the mouth of God and that what it contains are truths that cannot be hidden.
A famous writer was obsessed with the idea of death. His father, an intellectual, had committed suicide when this famous writer was a young man. As a result, the famous writer wanted to show humanity that he was not afraid of life or death.
Ironically, in an outburst of anger and human weakness, at 61 he committed suicide.
The Bible recognizes that physical death is inevitable. In Hebrews 9:27 we read that "it is established for men who die ..."
In a sense, we all have a terminal illness. We must all die unless Christ returns during our lives.
Someone rightly said: "Young people can die, old people must do it."
Physical death is the most stubborn and staunch enemy of mankind. But it is not the most dangerous adversary.
The Bible distinguishes between physical death (which eventually we all must face) and spiritual death (which we all initially experience). In its basic meaning, death means separation from something or someone. It implies loneliness. As a consequence of his sin, man begins a life separated from God and spiritually dead.
A famous existentialist philosopher, observed exactly: "Man is alone."
Unless he has a personal relationship with God and a commitment to Him, man is spiritually dead and very lonely.
The Bible also mentions eternal death or the "second death" (Revelation 20:14). This death is a separation from God, but an eternal and irreversible separation. All who refuse to give their lives to Jesus Christ here on earth must experience this eternal death.
Physical death is not the end of man's existence. The question is where will you and I spend eternity, in heaven or in hell. There is no other alternative. The reality of death and hell should motivate us as Christians to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the unsaved.
Approximately 150,000 people die daily in the world. The majority passes into an eternity without Christ. History has often recorded the last words of those who realize that, because they have rejected Christ, they have no hope.
The well-known French atheist, Voltaire, declared: "In twenty years there will be no more Christianity. A single hand of mine will destroy the building that twelve apostles raised." However, before he died, he exclaimed: "God and men have abandoned me." Voltaire's doctor expressed his amazement at the spiritual torment his patient experienced before moving on to eternity.
In contrast, a great evangelist declared on his deathbed: "Best of all, God is with me." He died satisfied and happy to be in the presence of his Lord.
Friend and dear brother in Christ, death does not have to obsess Christians. If we have given our lives to Jesus Christ, we have a glorious future waiting for us beyond death.
Doesn't it give our hearts joy and peace to know that this is a reality, knowing that beyond death there is a wonderful future with God Himself?